Green Drow Ethnicity in The Seventh System | World Anvil
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Green Drow

The past wars and have left their marks all over the world of Seven Systems, be it weird magical phenomenons, ruined cities or hopes for a better future. For the Green Drow, The Cataclysm is what gave birth to their unique culture that is still a complete mystery to many of the citizens of The Courtlands, mostly because the Green Drow themselves prefer it so. As the descendants of the dark elves who fled the Cataclysm to the caverns underneath The Capital, they have made Greendeep their home. Developing and almost symbiotic relationship with their environment, they have refined the art of druidcraft and green necromancy to near perfection.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Green Drow worship a female deity called The Mother from the Depths. 

Shared customary codes and values

Even though the Green Drow have a culture of their own, they do share some core values with their Dark Elven relatives. Their society is matriarchal and the families, or hives, as they are known both in the Dark Elven and the Green Drow societies, are matrilocal in nature. The hive system is similar to the house system of the Dark Elves in that a hive is formed from a group of related families (typically through sisters, because daughters stay with their mother) and lesser families that have a pledge of loyalty to the greater families, as well as servants and other possible associates of the family. A group of hives living in the same area, usually an underground city of the Green Drow are called colonies, which are ruled by a council of the Matriarchs of the hives.

Common Dress code

Thanks to their unique environment, the Green Drow have developed an unique sense of fashion. The clothing takes a lot of inspiration from nature, with sleeves that resemble petals or leaves and jewelry that climbs up the arms like vines. The materials used for fabrics are mostly plant based, though a luxuriously light, moth-made silk is also valued. 
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