Eráfittilá Species in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil

Eráfittilá (e.ɾɑ.fi.t'i.lɑ)

My bird's a sweetheart, I tell ya. Such a shy thing around strangers, but with my kids, she'll sit there calm as day to let 'em pet her feathers. Not to mention the time she saved my son from that angry dog, kept it right off the property. I'd not trade her for even the world.
— Proud Ettioriles farmer
Eráfittilá are a type of large flightless bird found predominantly in eastern Thurásin, living in the open plains and occasionally in and around moderately sized human settlements. Famed for their unusual horn and violent responses to threats, they can occasionally be found as loyal pets and support animals.


Eráfittilá are the largest known bird in Tiyu Amara, often being taller than many of the humans they encounter. Their plumage is dark and full, being mostly black with the occasional brown splotch or stripe, and they have blue faces. One of their most defining traits is the large casque on their heads, which is used to amplify sounds and regulate heat. They are unable to fly, though they are able to jump nearly 2 metres into the air and run at the blistering pace of 50 kilometres per hour.   Wild eráfittilá are rather skittish and shy, preferring to avoid contact with humans and elves, and interacting only with other eráfittilá to breed. Domesticated eráfittilá can be quite friendly to their owners, though like their wild counterparts they can be very violent towards perceived threats, either to them or their owners.


The large birds are only found natively in Thurásin's eastern regions, specifically the plains in countries like Riyimunburi , Ettioril and Ngáxom . They also make regular excursions into the forests along the eastern coast, foraging for berries and leaping into trees for harder-to-reach fruits. Tamed eráfittilá can be found outside this native range, though they require a lot of open space to live in, and find the cramped quarters of a bustling city to be deeply stressful and unpleasant.
One of those god damned birds attacked my kid last week. The owner insisted oh no, it'd never - but that's the whole reason you get one of those feathery bastards! Oughta be grateful I don't get my wife to burn that bird for meat for what it did.
— Angry local
50 years
Average Height
1.5 - 1.8 metres
Average Weight
40 kilos
Average Length
1.2 - 1.7 metres
Geographic Distribution
Eastern Thurásin

Support Animal

Eráfittilá are a somewhat common pet in rural areas. Though they lack the strength to pull a plough or do much manual labour, they are nonetheless valuable parts of their owner's families, as they bond strongly with individuals. They can be a calming and protective figure for scared children, and can carry small loads during small foraging trips.   Their violent reputation is not unearned however, as they will viciously attack perceived threats to them or their owners. This is why they are uncommon in crowded cities, where they are easily overwhelmed. In the quieter outer regions, this vigilance can be a boon, and many families speak of their children being saved from danger by their pets.
animal bones blood
Animal Skeleton by PublicDomainPictures

Cover image: Cassowary by Daniel Pelaez Duque


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