The Cave-in of 2120 Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

The Cave-in of 2120

The Cave-in of 2120 was the biggest mistake in Lapizan decision-making history, and the largest mining disaster in written history. The largest mine in Lapiza was starting to collapse with how much stone had been removed from it, and there was no move to add supports into the cave. The king’s advisors had told him to stop mining in the cave or to add some kind of support system, but he wouldn’t listen. He refused to better support the mine or get the miners out of there so he could continue to profit as long as he could without expending more resources. He kept them going at the risk of their lives just to meet a quota.
The king of the time was a ruthless tyrant, and often his word was final. Anyone caught trying to argue or change his mind was either locked away or never to be heard from again. His advisors didn't push too hard to get him to do something about the situation out of fear for their lives.  
The families of the miners blamed the king for their losses, and the king blamed the miners for not seeing the danger and leaving on their own. The kingdom now saw their king as someone they couldn't look to for support. That was the last straw for the people. They no longer trusted their king, and the king had very little trust and compassion for his people.
Many people claim it wasn’t an accident. That the king wanted the workers dead to keep them quiet about a scandal. Others believe that he had made deals with other kingdoms that he couldn't keep if he didn't keep the miners working. It’s possible that no one will ever know the true reason for the king’s poor choice, but one thing remains clear: he knew the dangers and proceeded anyway.  


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