Brightsea Geographic Location in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Located at the eastern-most portion of Lieo, this spread-out location sits along the Northern coast of Meta. Far from most of society, very few people know of the strange and almost unreal ecosystem that inhabits it.   A ghost-town, the only time people visit is during expeditions to the mountains, Brightsea acts as a quiet pit-stop for those seeking nature. The site used to be a drilling town seeking water purified from permafrost minerals, and untouched by other societies. After an unusually strong storm nearly wiped out the town, survivors took the circumstances as a sign and left without a trace as to who they were or where they were going.   Given the harsh winds, strong storms, and cold climate the flora and fauna found here cannot be replicated by many other places save for sister locations along the Northern Coast. From flowers that bloom and glow at night, to fish that melt snow and ice with heat glands, many species at Brightsea evolved to include either a defense against the cold or a mechanic to create heat.   Of all the weird and commonly found in the region, the most noted is that of the Everschools, a group of sea mammals that create a bio-luminescent light and organic heat salve. These creatures are responsible for Brightsea's name, as they light up the waters when they go in at night to hunt. They feed on smaller creatures, remain neutral to apex predators, and sleep on the rocky shores covered in old nests made from lightweed and algae.    Due to their rarity, and the fact that no one has occupied the area for long, these species are never hunted which adds to their increasing population in the area. Little is recorded of the many flora and fauna because many people can not stay long to record observations due to the natural climate and storms.
Coast / Shore

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