Saint Tasilyeuon Pra'Viyk

This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3

Grand Officer

Tasilyeuon Legacy

It takes a great degree of service in the Pra’Viyk name for one of their Chaplain or Shaho to be regarded a Saint. They are named in the history of Pra’Viyk as a lesson, or a guide, to other vnou as to how they should behave. Saint Tasilyeuon gained a reputation as a protector of the peoples in the years that Pra’Viyk came to settle in the Duchy of Marmino and they began the construction of The Cathedral Basilica of Charitable Eldeildatur. He was crucial in bringing a sense of order and safety to a region that many vnou believed to be wild and lawless. Even though this enforcement ranged into the Sakilatian Empire, Protectorate of Senbach, and Kingdom of Vikimar, the respective governments didn’t have much complaint. Even though it was technically a noble family stepping out of their bounds and encroaching in the domain of the others, the sole concern of Pra’Viyk seemed to be keeping the vnou of the area safe and nothing more.  

Tasilyeuon is thus one of the Saints respected and represented at the Cathedral Basilica, though his lessons of unwavering justice and protection of the weak are spread through all Viyk Cathedrals. His origins are known to be Marmino and it is there that the largest statue to his memory has been constructed.  

“And people call me the brutal one,” Nyealdiril remarked as he walked down the empty street. It was the sort of quiet born of death, something he was all too familiar with. The Shpazh Zmutwe fished out a cigarette and lit it while he approached the Pra’Viyk Officer. Gold and white, shining in the bright afternoon sun. He was like something out of a grand vision while Nyealdiril was the monster in the shadows. Black suit, red thread, and red eyes. They couldn’t have been more opposing in appearance if they’d tried.  

The Officer turned on his heel to scowl – or as much as the Pra’Viyk knights emoted – in his direction. “What are you doing here?” Spoken with all the high and mighty authority of one used to being listened to. Nyeal took a long drag, waiting to answer, if only to watch the way the Knight began to tense with annoyance. Were Nyeal anything other than Shpazh, he suspected the Officer might have prodded a little to get his answer.  

Trying, and failing, to hide his smirk, Nyeal eventually answered. “I’d been sent out to check out the little town. Looks like you beat me to it.” He made a show of looking around. A mess of bodies in the street, leaving the twang of blood in the air. It’d have been hard to believe one vnou could be the source of so much destruction except it was a Pra’Viyk Officer. A familiar face to Nyeal.  

”Why were you sent?” Still demanding. Looking down at Nyeal like he was not much better than the dead around them.  

So he took another long drag, exhaling the smoke in the direction of the Officer, before he answered. At least he wasn’t close enough the rude gesture was entirely in the Pra’Viyk’s face. A helpful breeze did the rest. “All you Viyk are the same. Thinkin’ your family is the only one that cares about problems.” Now it was Nyeal’s turn to sound dismissive. Derisive. He wasn’t exactly a fan of the gold and white feathered Officer. A mockery of the gold and black the Shpazh wore. “This mess was in imperial lands, Viyk, so I was sent to deal with it.”  

The Officer took a step to close the distance. The physical disparity between the two might’ve been intimidating if Nyeal wasn’t so confident in his own abilities. Officer Tasilyeuon was renowned for his dedication to rooting out criminals and injustice, but he was also marred with a heavy hand and lack of communication skills. Why Pra’Viyk didn’t send him out with a handler, Nyeal would never understand. No amount of shiny armor or weapons would matter if it came down to a fight between the Shpazh and Viyk, though. It didn’t matter that Tasilyeuon was taller, broader, and had a sword.  

Nyeal took another hit of his cigarette and pointedly turned his back to the Officer, instead taking a step to the closest body to nudge it with his shiny black shoe. “These vnou have been harassing the near by city for the better part of six months and you’re just now getting here?”  

Nyeal crouched and peered at the vnou’s slack face. Then he leaned to search in the jacket pocket while he answered, “Yeah. Took you six months too. I think that means I made pretty good time.” He could hear the Officer shifting behind him, anger making him restless. The inability to do anything about it making it worse.  

”We only heard about it the last couple of weeks, when the citizens of the city came to the Cathedral to beg for help.” Yeah, his tone was full of accusation and blame. Nyeal found a tattered leather wallet in the pants pocket. With his prize, he stood to rifle through it. Seemingly ignoring the Officer.  

Right up until he felt the Viyk take a step in his direction. His family would probably be upset if he really fought the Officer, so he said, “You know how these things can be. Paperwork. Processing. It hits five other desks before it finally reaches mine and it’s not like I’m doing nothing…” It was an excuse, certainly, but Nyeal also didn’t care. Not really. What was one little criminal camp on the edge of civilization? When the wallet didn’t have any form of ID, he tossed it aside and half turned to look at the Officer. “Well, Tasy, it’s been a pleasure. Let’s not do this any time soon.”   “Useless,” Tasilyeuon sniped in parting. To which Nyeal simply waved over his shoulder while he started walking down the street, away from the scene. Away from the Officer. The problem was taken care of and he had absolutely no desire to be there if, or when, any more Viyk showed up to clear out and clean up the little town. He had better things to do.  



Duchy of Marmino, Meaucy

Year of Birth


Year of Death

2238 at 73 years old  

Traditional Name

Dya’Shra-Blouz Tasilyeuon Pra’Viyk  

Common Vnou Reception

Many vnou across the Sakila Empire, especially those of the Stryt Region or other wild regions, invoke Tasilyeuon’s name for luck and protection during their travels. Morally good vnou will often use his legacy as a foundation for their own good behavior – among other Pra’Viyk Saints.  

Noble Vnou Reception

The nobility see Pra’Viyk as a useful nuisance – and generally have since the family’s founding. The presence of Pra’Viyk Cathedrals usually mean less crime, poverty, and a general increase in the areas happiness and moral. That, however, comes at the price of having the uppity and morally superior Pra’Viyk in their territory. Most try to stay out of their way and hope that they’ll receive the same courtesy in return.

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Aug 2, 2023 22:39

He's so angry - I love him.

Aug 3, 2023 15:53

Such a frumpy Knight.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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