Caspen Species in World of the people | World Anvil
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Caspen (Cas-pen)

Basic Information


The caspen are sturdy, muscular bull-like creatures that can support monstrous amounts of weight while still keeping a steady pace. The breed standard is small horns, large ears to swat bugs away, a soft main stretching across half their back, coarse thick hair running down their main body and a thin tail that doesn't quite reach the ground with a tuft of hair on the end of their tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

This species sexually reproduces and keeps one mate at a time. The gestation period of a caspen is 10-11 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

A caspen goes through three stages before reaching adulthood. Infantry, the stage where the newborn caspen cant live without the mother and/or father. Pre-adolescence, where the caspen now can be taken from its parents and begin training, however isn't ready for any type of manual labor. Adolescence, where the caspen can do small manual labor but their bodies muscle isn't fully developed and could rip with too much force. Then Adulthood, where the caspen is fully grown and can work and assist without supervision.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for caspen are cool, plant filled spaces with large flat grounds for the creatures to stretch their legs. With owning a caspen they also need tons of enrichment through entertainment devices to new/changed spaces to keep their minds and bodies busy. Caspen also are very mindful of their habitat, an instinct they have is to dig into their environment to sculpt out a ditch for themselves to lay in to escape the harsh hot/cold temperatures that they may endure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Caspens are vegetarian creatures, they will eat a huge variety of different consumables. They are known to be very self sufficient when it comes to food and when not fed properly can act out and do almost anything to refill their stomach. The primary diet of caspens can vary, being one of the most adaptable animals they will except a huge variety of plants. Caspens also enjoy eggs and other bi-products of other animals.

Biological Cycle

Dental Cycle Caspen have three points in their life where they can shed their teeth. This "shedding" happens only when their teeth are majorly damaged and or painful for the creatures to keep. The tooth regrowth process takes 2-3 days to fully grow back and re-breach the healing gums.   Hair Shedding and Growth The hair shedding process begins in the warmer weather where the caspen shed their thicker fur for the oncoming heat. Their thick coat regrows in the colder weather to prepare for the harsher temperatures. Caspen also have the unique ability to shed/grow their coat in a single day depending on their environment.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Over years of selective breeding caspen have been perfected by the Gracilorian species. Caspen main use are pulling heavy cargo and being saddled to carry Gracilorians. Caspen also produce milk, unlike other creatures both male and female caspen retain milk glands. Caspen milk is thick and sweet and not heavily enjoyed by other creatures besides from infant caspen. The hair of a caspen is too fine for clothing so if used its usually to make insulator in boots, jackets, and hats.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Caspen have incredible sight in day and in night due to their early selective breeding. With their ears being quite large they have evolved to also be sensitive, which causes many caspen trainers to have to expose their caspen to loud noises to adjust them to working life.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Caspen get along with smaller beings very well, but larger beings threaten caspen and they tend to become more defensive.
20-25 years
Average Height
Average Weight

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