The Imprisonment of Vuar Myth in Yershmier | World Anvil
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The Imprisonment of Vuar

For many centuries Vuar traveled down to Runsia and disguised himself as a skeleton in a thick dark cloak (essentially a grim reaper). Once his victim was spotted Vuar would visit them , and respectfully give the family time to mourn and then reap the person's soul.   The bodies, minds, and hearts of people Vuar reaped would travel to their respective afterlives while the souls would remain trapped in Vuar consciousness. The souls of the dead would constantly beg, plead, and cry for Vuar to kill. For a long time Vuar hated these voices, but Vuar slowly relized these voices gave him power. The dead gave Vuar his power and the more dead he reaped the more power he gained.   Vuar tried to stop listening to the voice, and ignored their cries for blood. But Vuar succumbed to the voices and the promise of power, and went insane. The day Vuar went insane was a normal day for all the gods. They met at The High Halls to discuss new turn of events, then went back to the domains they reside in.   Vuar stayed in the Halls and waited till everyone was gone. Once everyone was gone Vuar went over to the Cosmic Chart (A map of Golivion where you can see everything). Vuar used the Cosmic Chart (along with his power which had grown) and used it to wipe out the entire population of Runsia. The Cosmic Chart is a dangerous object because it allowed Vuar to increase his power tenfold allowing him to destroy Runsia.   In a matter of seconds every living thing in Runsia disappeared off the face of the planet. Every person, animal, and plant just disappeared. Vuar's plan had worked, millions of souls traveled into Vuar instilling him with more power than he could ever imagine.   As soon as this happened the other High Gods, felt what happened and rushed over to the High Halls. When they arrived Vuar was already gone.   It took the gods many weeks to track down Vuar because not only was he jumping from Plane to Plane he had also become more powerful therefore less traceable. The god Eurstreich (see Sun Twins) eventually found him hiding out in Limbo.   When the High Gods arrived in Limbo, they were prepared and ready for a fight. But the Gods had greatly underestimated him. Quick as a flash Vuar started attacking. Even with all the powers of the High Gods they could barely keep up.   The battle went on for hours, every once in a while the High Gods would make one good hit like Eurhelles burning Vuar's face, or Tyr cutting out one of his eyes. The High Gods began to lose their ground, so they had no other option than to flee.   Back at the High Hall, the Gods discussed plans to kill or capture. After many days of planning Moradin created Schattenseil (Shadow Rope) which would be used to bind Vuar. The rope was made of good souls made out of sacrifices from Mount Celestia and Bytopia. The souls would be able to keep the rogue voices in Vuar's mind at bay.   When Schattenseil was finished the High Gods went back to Limbo to fight Vuar again. This time instilled with new hope and confidence the High Gods defeated Vuar.   Vuar was imprisoned and chained to a large floating rock in Limbo that would never move or change. Vuar tried to break free from his chains, yelling and screaming to be let loose, but Schattenseil kept him at bay.   After Vuar was imprisoned the Gods decided to rebuild Runsia. It took many months but after a lot of work Golivion was created and the first life was added into what is now Nasturna.   But Golivion was missing a God to hold power over the people who die. To not repeat their same mistakes the High Gods welcomed Qhoneas (Vuar's daughter) the goddess of the Afterlife to the High Council. Luckily in this new world no one knew who Vuar was, and Qhoneas never wanted to let power drive her insane.


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