Damasu Species in Zennith | World Anvil
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Damasu (Da-Ma-Sue)

The Damasu are a race native to the Feywild but have been displaced to the material plane. They are a foxlike humanoid race. More than anything they are known for their nature to pull pranks on people and trick those they encounter. This may them fit in quite nicely in the Feywild for many years. In fact Wan was very found of them and modeled his personal off of them. However after too many years and times of tricking an Eladrin Duke he banished them. Ever since that point they have lived in the material plane and most continue to stay true to their nature of trickery.

This causes them to not be trusted by most people. And that is probably for good reason. Even those that have made a living for themselves in cities: owning businesses, working for others, or whatever profession they can find. They can try to bury their nature for awhile, but it usually always comes out one way or another. Some have taken this and actually been successful. In fact in Ryma is a restaurant called Elegant Façade that is run by a Damasu named Vilshio. He hires only Damasu and the whole experience of the dinning is tricks. It is quite a popular place and one of the only times most people are okay with the tricks that Damasu usually always pull.

Basic Information


The Damasu have a basic humanoid figure. They walk on two legs and have two arms. Their general body shape is almost indistinguishable from a human or similar race. The main difference is that in place of skin they have fur, in many varying colors. Most commonly is orange of some tint, brown, darker reds, and white. Along with that, depending on their age, they will have one ore more tales. As a Damasu ages they grow additional tales, with some of the oldest having up 10 or more tails. Lastly their farcical features are foxlike. They have the heads of foxes with a bit more depressed nose that doesn't go out as far as the animal itself.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like their cousins the Eldarin in the Feywild, and Elves on the material plane Damasu are very long lived. Like humans they physically mature at the same rate. This means that around 20s they have reached their final height and barring any huge changes, their basic physical appearance for the rest of their life. However for maturity otherwise most are not considered beyond their adolescents until they are 50-70. Usually around this age and up to 100 they get their second tail. This is a good indicator of a mature Damasu. As mentioned earlier they are very long lived as long as 650 years old.


The biggest behavior that makes a Damasu stand out is their inherent nature to cause mischief. It might be from their time in the Feywild and has affected the race forever. However it is the one thing that everyone will recognize and say about the Damasu. They are inherent tricksters and can't help pulling pranks on others, making them feel silly, and trying to be more clever than everyone around them. This can be a charming trait at some times, it seems thought that for most this gets old very fast. It causes great cultural bias and mistrust of the Damasu. Many try to fight this nature. They can succeed for a very long time however it seems as though it always comes back knocking.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found in nearly every corner of Zhen Gho. However the largest concentration of them is in Ryma. This is because of the resteraunt that is run and staffed by Damasu. It is a great place for them to be themselves and not worry about judgement. It has also become a popular must try experience for those visiting the city. The other place they are very plentiful is near areas that are close to Feywild entrances. Something about the plane and the magic around those areas draws them close and seems to help dimish the need to be mischevious.

Average Intelligence

The Damasu like to brag that they are very intelligent, in fact more intelligent then most of the material plane. And actually after many years of learning about it is a pretty well known fact. While the Damasu may like in their social graces or common sense they are quite intelligent. Most older Damasu would be considered geniuses by most academic standards. This has drawn them towards the Wizard schools throughout Zhen Gho, to the happiness and dismay of Headmasters alike. The worst part about it is they know they are smarter and tend to rub it in peoples' faces when they get the chance.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A commonality they do share with actually foxes is an acute sense of hearing, smell, and sight. They have especially good vision while under dim or dark conditions. Their hearing and smell are not as exceptional as their sight, but much better than your average person. This seems to have been developed while they lived in the Feywild. They started with slightly elevated senses, but for survival needs it seems as thought they were more highly developed. And in the material plane they serve them well.

They are also inclined towards illusion magic. Most all Damaus are born with the ability to create small or minor illusions. And as they age they are able to do more inherently. Those that go down the path of learning and/or studying magic find they are very talented and pick up illusions spells very easily. This is a major reason for their nature of trickery, pranks, and mischief. They will use their gifts in illusions to make people feel silly and play tricks on them. From this stems the great mistrust and bias towards them, and the very nature they fight in order to try and fit in in the material plane.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The only organization of Damasus is the restaurant Elegant Façade. Vilshio runs the place and it has a very unique experience. There guests will be constantly tricked and pranked. This is the whole idea and it lets Damasus be themselves. It has become quite popular as a tourist destination. People rave how they are rude to them, talked down to, and generally given a "bad" dining time. While this whole experience draws a crowd the food also helps. The food is cooked by a secret chef who is famous for amazing and extravagant dishes. So many critics have tried to learn the identity, and many cooks have tried to copy to no avail.

Common Etiquette Rules

One very specific piece of etiquette that is only between Damasus is called the last trick. If a Damasu is a guest of another Damasu, especially one who is older or more power, the one invited must play a worthwhile trick on them while at their home. They are only allowed one and the one who has invited them will judge what they have done and give them praise or pointers depending on what happens.


Not much is known of their history in the Feywild. It is not something many of them talk about, or at this point in their history, even really know the truth. The basic story that is told is the same one that everyone knows. After one too many tricks being played on people a Fey Duke banished them to the material plane, never able to return to the Feywild. Since that point they have melted into the pot of people in Zhen Gho. There have been a number of well known Damasu, both good and bad. Nothing to the deeds of the Founders or any of gods who ascended but still renowned.
by MidJourney
Example of Damasu and typical clothing
Originally from the Feywild, in this case they are considered Fey
650 years
Average Height
5' - 6'
Average Weight
100 - 180 lbs
Geographic Distribution
by MidJourney
A Damasu preparing an illusion spell
by MidJourney
A common depiction of the Banishment of the Damasu
by MidJourney
Vilshio, the owner of the Tricker's Façade
by MidJourney
A Damasu looking longingly into the Feywild

Cover image: by MidJourney


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