Tesslutut Campaign

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Tesslutut
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Supporting Cast
  • Arven
    Chill fishermen who had a few runs in with Old Crackjaw. He can tell you all the information about the lake. Is also the head of the Navy at times of war.
  • Chief Soot Scale
    Leader of the Sootscale Kobolds Located about 25 miles east of Sphants Pass. Is very willing to help Serpents pass.
  • Ekundayo
    Ranger by trade, came home one day after an adventure to find his wife and daughter were killed by a gang of trolls. The party saved him from being killed by a troll. Has sworn a vengeance on all trolls. He really fk'n hates trolls.
  • Harrim
    Dwarf Cleric who worships some old god named Xehor. Alawys talking about the end of times.
  • Kundal
    A trapper named Kundal who recently moved outside of Serphants Pass. Before meeting the party Kundal spent his days hawking his wares in a marketplace or simply on the streets, While each night he drinks himself into a stupor. Afflicted with Lyconthamy the party arranged for his safety whilst looking for a cure.
  • Linzi
    The halfling bard sees the heroic inspiration in PC'. She is always close by and on long daring adventures, she’ll trail behind them observing and taking notes. Linzi’s personality is one of mirth, hope, and optimism. Nothing she encountered in revolution-torn Griltish inspired her. She turned the oppressive regime in Redrum into opportunity and inspiration!
  • Octavia
    A Chaotic Good half-elf trained to be a wizard who is also a self-trained rogue. She was formerly a slave of Numeria's Technic League, a past she shares with her lover Regongar, who she has been with for most of her life in bondage. Party Influence:
  • Regongar
    Born to an orc mother and non-orc father in one of the Kellid tribes of Numeria, Regongar remembers little about his past before he was sold into slavery. He does remember some details Party Influence Level:
  • Sargeant Colbroin Larlete
    Drow Half-Elf, Sargent of The Failed Marksmen.
  • Serinty Blackwater
    Twin of Trinity Blackwater
  • Trinity Blackwater
    Twin of Sernity Blackwater

8/25/24 A long walk home

Previously, the Defenders of Serpent’s Pass embarked on a mission to rescue Eobald, Linizi’s former teacher and mentor, from the clutches of a coven of hags. The party successfully defeated the hags with relative ease and began their journey back to Serpent’s Pass.   While making camp in the swampy lands of the Narlmarchs on their way home, they were ambushed by a group of nuckelavees, a nightmarish creature from the darkest corners of the swamps, a grotesque fusion of man and horse that embodies the essence of corruption and decay. The party survived this harrowing encounter and attempted to rest for the night, only to be awakened by the hissing of bog striders and the approach of four marsh giants. In the ensuing battle, the defenders once again emerged victorious, though they suffered the loss of two of their horses.   After a well-deserved rest, the Defenders of Serpent’s Pass resumed their journey. However, questions linger as they press on:   Will they detour to search for more information about a flame dragon? Will they investigate the small lizardfolk village on the edge of Fang Lake? Or will they head straight home to recover, prepare for their next adventure, and see how the town has been rebuilt? Additionally, what new insights have Leo gained while exploring the green leyline?

Sessions Archive

4th Aug 2024

Hagging a Good time?

Last time, our intrepid adventurers discovered the remnants of a caravan that had been destroyed, likely the same one carrying Eobald. As you approached the site, you saw large vultures feasting on the bodies of both men and horses. You quickly sprang into action, attacking and swiftly defeating the vultures, saving what little remained.   Following the trail of large footprints, you journeyed deeper into the forest. After a few hours, you stumbled upon a clearing filled with collapsed wooden buildings, remnants of what once was a small hamlet. The weeds and shrubs around the ruins had been trampled into a mat by something large and heavy. Only one stone structure to the east stood intact, covered in clinging ivy vines. Through the gaps in the vegetation, you could just make out the hint of a stone door.   Nearby, you spotted a group of ogres in a heated argument. Without hesitation, you attacked, using powerful negative magic to dispatch them quickly.   With the path clear, you turned your attention to the stone structure. Upon opening the door, you found four Lurkers in the Light along with Eobald. As you entered, the Lurkers vanished from sight, and a glowing unicorn suddenly appeared and began to attack.   Through skill and determination, you defeated the summoned fey creatures and managed to drive away or kill the Lurkers. Freeing Eobald from his iron fingernail cage, you learned from him that an Anais Hag coven had captured him and that they were preparing to summon something ominous.   With this vital information, Linzi took Eobald back to the horses, accompanied by Amari and Kanerah, ensuring his safety.

Read the Report
28th Jul 2024

Tracking Eobalds' Caravan

Previously the party concluded the feast of the Beast and headed out with Linzi, Kennreth/Kallike, Valrie, and Amari. Leoros decided however that he should head out to where the green leyline was to learn more about its secrets and power.   The party headed westward into the Hooktoughe Slough to the last known location of where Linizis last dream message she received from Eobald.

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23rd Jun 2024

6/23 Owlbear Steak for Serpents Pass

In our last session, the party achieved a significant victory by defeating the enormous The Beast of Serpents Pass. This fearsome creature, an Owlbear of legendary size and ferocity, had long terrorized the region. After the battle, the party spent the night carefully processing the Owlbear's remains to bring proof of their triumph back to the citizens of Serpents Pass.   The Descent into the Cavern The party had ventured into the midden of the cavern where The Beast made its lair. They skillfully deactivated shirker mushrooms, which would have otherwise alerted The Beast to their presence. However, this act did not go unnoticed by the other fungal creatures inhabiting the cavern, who reacted with hostility.   Encounter with The Beast Deciding to delve deeper, Lilith was the first to hear the ominous rustling of feathers. As they descended further, the party was greeted by the ear piercing screech of the Owlbear, which instilled fear in some members. The battle began abruptly when Lilith was snatched by The Beast's talons, suffering significant damage.   General Doctor Flimsly quickly acted, restoring Lilith with his mastery of negative energies. Drigg then heroically threw a molten hot metal net onto The Beast, forcing it to release Lilith as it struggled to free itself. Taking advantage of the distraction, the rest of the party launched a coordinated attack, eventually bringing the Owlbear down with their combined efforts.   Unexpected Visitors While the party rested, they were approached by a group of individuals displaying unusual powers. These intruders had two prisoners in tow: a striking half-elf woman with long brown hair and a handsome half-orc man with neatly trimmed black hair, tan green skin, and prominent tusks. Tensions escalated when it was revealed that the newcomers were slavers, leading to a confrontation.   A mind blast from the slavers incapacitated the half-orc, spurring the party into action. Rising from their rest, they engaged in a fierce battle featuring hand-to-hand combat and powerful black leyline magic, including the summoning of undead Owlbears. Despite the intensity of the fight, the party emerged victorious, ensuring that the fate of the slavers was sealed in death. Knocking one of the Slvaers unconscious the Orc was than handed a knife from Drigg. To which the orc went over and began to stab the slaver repeatedly with the half-elf woman looking away.     We enter the scene of the owlbears midden filled with pellets of its last meal, the smell of rot in the air with mushrooms along the cavern walls. The Orc is standing over the stabed slaver.

16th Jun 2024

6/13 A happy fathers day owlbear

The party reached the midden of the huge owlbear.

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2nd Jun 2024

6/2/24 Slaying a Beast

Previously, the players received a feather token instructing them to return to town. Upon their return, they encountered Easy Company, led by Captain Hiss, a Tengu heading south to deal with possible remaining trolls in the area. During this time, Flimsily successfully removed Kundal's curse, and the group camped with the 313.   When they returned to town, they found it in ruins. Houses were destroyed, the general store was gone, and the ship from Serpent's Pass Trading Company was shattered. The players immediately began tending to the injured, the dying, and the dead, learning about the enormous beast that had rampaged through the town.   During an impromptu town meeting, discussions began about the next steps for recovery. Avira revealed to the town that a political prisoner, Trinity, the twin of Serenity Blackwater, was being held in Redrum. Embarrassed by Serenity's unexpected comments, Avira left the meeting to review treasury logbooks for a discrepancy that had been brought to her attention.   Another issue raised was a recent crime, with the alleged perpetrator being an orange-skinned tiefling named Kenrith. Joks was the first to suggest casting Kenrith out of Serpent's Pass, while the Mayor argued for her, emphasizing her crucial role in driving The Beast away from the town.

Read the Report
26th May 2024

5/26/24 The return to Serpent's Pass

Upon convincing some very aggressive thylacines to become helpful allies, the party received a message from the Mayor, indicating a Beast had attacked the town. While traveling back North they discovered a small encampment of lizard men on a small island.

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3rd Mar 2024

Fish Tales

After returning from a fishing trip on the lake (please name) with Arvan a few necessary kingdom things need to happen (armies, etc) -

25th Feb 2024

So many things to do, so many days to rest

The party got word of an impeding troll army in two months time.

19th Feb 2024

Clearing Wave Echo Cavern

11th Feb 2024

Session #X.X After some warewolfs

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Drigg Pyriam

Level 7 Kineticist Oracle Loremaster.
45 / 90


Treasurer Avira Zauviir

Level 7 Magus.
85 / 85


Level 6 Bard.
56 / 56

jok mi'hoff

Major Flimsy

Level 7 Cleric.
80 /

Cersei Kline

Level 6 Druid.
53 / 62