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Widdershins Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Widdershins
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Supporting Cast
  • Professor, Ethical Connudrums of Practicing Magic Cortana Lilliwaup
    Harengon wizard. Well put together but in an overly dramatic way. Very breathy and enthusiastic "Hello my Dewberries!" - elementary teacher style Teaches Ethical Conundrums of Practicing Magic
  • Witch (Druid) Dean Gail Galaxy Dean of Dragonfruit University
    Seasoned, good sense of humor, druid aka WITCH and dragon-specialist, far-sighted (is she planting seeds or just being a bit unhelpful???) Has to play the politics and funding games.
  • Corporal, Geddouton Goat Squad Feathertonna Brightfart
    Very professional if a bit fussy in her role. Put upon by the university high rate of issues. If you meet her in her down time (like at @Riddles(location) the goat squad bar) she is totally different. Friendly, drunk and party hardy lady.
  • Groundskeeper Hasa (Kobold)
    Old, mean and very honest. Harsh but fair. Soft spot for sweet fruits. Hates goats and anything else that might threaten the grounds and their plants, esp. students! She has worked at DU since she graduated as a fruit arborist. Worked her way up. Left behind an opportunity to become a priestess back home as was not that into working with others.
  • Coach, Dragonboat Team Jinx Hoppston
    Wife of Mush. Head of @Dragonboat Team(organization) ("GO FIGHTING RED ALGAE!")
  • Pineapple Cohort, Bard Drummer Jockster Fibbleton (Prince from Oliverean Empire, 5th child)
    @Pineapple Group(article) [b]Bard/Face[/b] Overly confident, mean and brash Harengon from Oliverean Empire: Heir to the throne Plays the drums
  • Michelle Marblegut, Elderberry cohort
    Elderberry Cohort. About 140. Way too old and frail to be starting a new career. Here for the lols and the hobby. Always wanted to push her magic. She's a sorceror and can turn invisible. DWARF.
  • Head of Dragon Charmer's School, Monk in Trainnig (hothead though) Mush (Kobold)
    Deadly. Head of Dragon Charmer's school. Very "red" birkman wise but also a monk in training: so working on it. Gets worked up and then works on being zen. Wife of Jinx Hoppston, Dragonboat Team coach
  • Professor Devina Gemstone Librarian
    Very intense, loves books but loves them on shelves, safe and sound. Was accidentally youthed a few years ago. Is excited to almost have all her adult teeth again. She is from the FKA Forest and is very suspicious of anyone trying to gain access to the books. She is not okay with the scourge.
  • Professor Thwinder Sussberry Arcane Engineering
    He is a man of many hobbies. He wears his lunch on his head so he can "roll" to work on a contraption of his creation. He is 70 or so but high energy, sprightly. Think Mr. Jackson: a bit removed but lovely and if you get him talking about things he's interested in: try and stop him! He's from a tiny enclave that lives INSIDE the Stonebreaker's Gulch called @Cliffton(location). Clifftonians were madcap inventors, the lot of them, until the day they tumbled into the ravine. Professor Sussberry wasn't there but he is the last of his family as a result of the town accident.

Session 3: To the theater!

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 5th March 2022 15:00

Session 0: Introducing Widdershins and the Characters

Sessions Archive

19th Mar 2022

Session 2: Goats!

2nd half of our first day of recording!

Read the Report
19th Mar 2022

Session 1: Welcome to Dragonfruit University

1. Welcome to Dragonfruit University: Automated message which includes: "Please go to The Adventuring Academy Building for information about your dorms and class schedule." 2. Determining magical abilities: "Get this letter from this locked box using your magic" LOTS OF STUDENTS (24 at least) 3. The letter says "Group 3" Dean Galaxy is the one doing this test by the way. 4. Meet your group and name your group. "We study together as nothing in this world, especially magic, should be done completely solo. We are better together! You will be graded individually but those grades will take into account your contribution and success as a team member along with your individual proficiency level." 5. Introductions 6. Dean Galaxy takes the group to their dorms in Keystone House. The pictures: Graz holding up a bridge while people flee over it to safety after a rockslide; Graz petting a narwhal, Graz leaning confidently on the door, Graz... etc. 7. Perception Check: Dean Galaxy seems anxious 8. A student named Vivian Maxwell is a super fan and that's why she ASKED to be in Keystone house and could Graz say his catchphrase??? 9. Their dorm has windows looking up through the red algae misty water to the sky in a triangular shape. There are 3 rooms so 2 for sharing and 1 solo (small room) and a common room complete with a cold drinks box, a foosball table, bookcases for knickknacks, desks, a dining table and chalk boards. 10. BONG: First classes are next morning. 10a: What do you do this evening? 11. Magic Intro: ______________________! 12. Assignment: As a group, escape the room. First up: Pineapple Group: aholes. They immediately turn themselves into goats.

Read the Report

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