Kismet's Fallen Five

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Caphollia
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Supporting Cast
  • Airea
    Human bard, romance of Blaze. Went missing during the Battle of Karakun.
  • Atlas
    Gorosk's Loyal Steed
  • Bron
    Travelling human spellcaster who has roamed all of Caphollia. Has been a close friend of Mildrend since he was young.
  • Cal Valdore
    A human Drake-Warden Knight who has fought side-by-side with Kismets Fallen Five. Is joined by his drake companion, the silver drake Y'vren-Ifrux.
  • Draemon
    Blue dragonborn who leads the Drake-Wardens. Serves proudly with his golden drake, Aventine.
  • Droxixl
    A Lizardfolk Saurus Warrior trained in magic by Elves.
  • Fraemora Kopis
    Pink Dragonborn from the Clan Kopis. Romance of Mildrend, and cleric in service of the Cities of Silver.
  • Gor'Vol
    Albino saurus leader of the Lizardfolk. Massive compared to other Lizardfolk, Gor'Vol leads his people in the search of new food after being forced from the Jungle.
  • Gralvrok Rohl
    Armored Hobgoblin warrior. Gralvrok served as Julius's right hand advisor and protector. Has since moved back to Rakawood to serve as it's leader.
  • Hadred
    Dwelf who previously fought as a Justicar of Thentauril. Hadred and Julius formed the Cities of Silver. Deceived by Polfnir and saved by Kain, Hadred sacrificed himself to prevent reinforcements from overwhelming Mayfax during the Changeling Crisis.
  • Hank the Tank
    Human barbarian with a big heart and a big sword. Found service in the Cities of Silver and was rescued by Kismet's Fallen Five.
  • King of the Cities of Silver Julius Amakiir
    Father of Beiro, and former member of the Justicars of Thentauril. Julius works to rebuild the Cities of Silver from its devastation during the Changling Crisis
  • Polfnir
    Arcanaloth commander of the Changeling Crisis. Took Brengan from Gorosk and manipulated Hadred. Killed by Kain.
  • Shiv'Bolo
    A uniquely blue Glabrezu demon. Orchestrated and controlled the Changeling Crisis and nearly defeated Kismet's Fallen Five. Felled by Kain during the Battle of Mayfax.
  • Shufi Amakiir
    Female Hobgoblin, adopted daughter of Julius and sister of Beiro. Rescued by bugbears by Kismet's Fallen Five. Helped liberate Mayfax during the Changeling Crisis.
  • The Hunter
    Suspected Elven machine. Was captured by Kismet's Fallen Five but has since disappeared.
  • Tiro Hawk
    Mysterious Human who travels with a strange golem. He has provided guidance to Kismet's Fallen Five.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Gorosk Skyborne



Beiro Stormwind