Lost Reprisal Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Mahia Forest
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Supporting Cast
  • The Boltbreaker Bajok
    Chieftain of the Severed Oak Clan. A brutish warrior who maintains control through power and intimidation. He earned his title "The Bolt Breaker" when he stopped a lightning bolt from hitting the sacred oak tree. Any challenge to his power is met with swift violence, through a ritual of one-on-one combat.
  • Berri Schlepen
    The young daughter of the Schlepen family. She wears gothic clothing and tends to avoid social gatherings. Is currently hailed as one of the finest magic appraisers in the land.
  • Captain Dalton
    The Captain of the Town Guard, same as his father and father before that. His level of experience and reputation has made him somewhat of a hero among the people. In reality, he comes across as more of a tired and apathetic leader. Dalton is not a fan of the Triple Fan as he is forced to keep them in check. Dalton is one of the few individuals who has access to the Duke, so much that he is considered the 'right hand' of Hygrim.
  • Clarence Hopkins
    A young mercenary of the Triple Fang. Previously assigned basic patrols and guarding interrogations, Clarence hopes to one day climb the ranks of the mercenary group. His life took a sudden change when he was injured by Tina. He since then has worked alongside Tina to show her the ropes, declaring the one day he will be stronger than her.
  • Corrupting Entity
    An unknown entity that is either born from the corruption or is the cause of it.
  • Elara Windrunner
    A young wood elf who is "frenemies" with Jade. She is pessimistic and dismissive to anyone except Vee, who she believes is the next leader of her tribe. She is dismissive of Jade because she believes her to be disrespectful to the entire Elven tribe.
  • Duke of Hygrim Francis Papaya
    Ruler of Hygrim. From a long line of traders and merchants, Francis Papaya has spent his considerable wealth on protecting Hygrim and his family. Spends his days held up in his mansion, giving orders to both the town guard and the Triple Fang.
  • Grista Stormdrinker
    An intense and intimidating Dwarf who owns and operates the Triple Fang Pub. She moved to Hygrim with her husband, Fenmoore, after being formally invited by the Duke. She is infamous for not taking crap from anyone, which has allowed her to keep the peace at a tavern occupied solely by mercenaries.
  • Lirel Evermist
    An old friend of Jade, Lirel is a shy but powerful Wood Elf who doesn't like to speak unless it is absolutely necessary. She earned her the nickname "Lunar Blade" after her blue hair and versatility with a shortsword. Lirel tends to stay out of all arguments and conflicts, which is difficult as she is usually seen following Vee on some sort of adventure.
  • Meredith Lexica
    The head nun at the monastery that voluntarily left in order to be interrogated in Hygrim. She took the remaining members of the church with her and after a short interrogation, turned over the deed to the monastery as well. She is a gentle but tired soul, embracing her new mission to care for the refugees at the church. This has made her the de-facto leader of these people.
  • Silviar Lornmist
    A troublesome Wood Elf who was able to successfully escape Hygrim and remove his tracker bracelet. He managed to slip himself free from captivity multiple times before eventually striking a deal for his escape.
  • The Hakarmaskannar
    Mythical Dragon Protector of the Maia Forest.
  • The Weaver
    A Fey Eladrin demigod with the power of all four seasons. Its very nature if fluid - as it talks and moves both its voice and appearance alter drastically. Little is known about The Weaver, outside of its desire to protect the Mahia Forest from all threats. It has a soft-spot for those it deemed are 'fey-touched', believing that they can be mentored and trained to be protectors of the forest.
  • Thornstrike
    The leader of the Triple Fang Mercenary group who specializes in operations near or around forested areas. She is a fair but somewhat unpleasant individual to be around. Thornstrike has gained a reputation for being tactical and efficient - cutting through a lot of the paperwork and politics that slow down the town guards. She has a pet toad by the name of Thumpkin, who she uses during interrogations.
  • Tillgol Schlepen
    The owner of 'Schlepen's Caravan of Values'. A rich gnome who promises 'You Dream It, We Sell It." Has a penchant for spectacle and wonder, which makes his caravan extremely popular with kids.
  • Tobias Zync
    An extremely friendly but somewhat noisy barkeep of the Leaky Tavern. A man traveling from a far away land, he has been given temporary ownership of the tavern in the last months while the real owner is away. He allows people free drinks in exchange for interesting stories, which he documents in a journal. He is frequently frustrated with the town guard, who treat him as a primary suspect in the murder of Jonas, despite them being close friends before the incident.
  • Travaste Negate
    Travaste is a "purveyor of antiquities" who is forced to stay in Hygrim during the investigation. He spends his days around the market, checking to see if anything of value has come in. Always with his ear to the ground, Travaste excels at keeping a low profile despite being the only Tiefling in Hygrim. He is aware of the movements of the Triple Fang, the Duke, and even the surrounding area.
  • Vee Aspenmell
    A young wood elf who is a longtime friend of Jade. Headstrong and rebellious, Vee takes it upon himself to do what is right, even if those actions get everyone else in more trouble. He frequently talks about wanting to lead an uprising in Hygrim, believing his moral code is strong enough to overcome any situation.
  • Vinneit and Clara Gallupi
    Two high Elves of Hygrim who were were dubbed "Lords of the Mahia Forest'. They were given ownership of the Monastery, which they plan to convert into a private residence. They travel with two bodyguards - an Orc and Hobgoblin.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Sister TINA (Oshtina) Joan D'arc Youle

Grendira Beglezegle