Sebastian “Von Spencer”

I am angsty in my perfect and religious family, seeking other worlds, knowledge and the secrets of the darkness. Using my powers for good and knowledge seeking, helping people because I have learned of such darknesses do exist.

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Thu 16th Nov 2023 11:31

The Journal Entry’s title

by Sebastian “Von Spencer”

Begin writing your story here...Impossible Tower - Sebastian “Von Spencer”
Gnome Cleric
║ 22d6 ║
║ rolls │ sum ║
║ 2 4 5 6 6 3 6 5 1 4 6 1 5 6 4 3 6 │ [86] ║
║ 2 4 1 1 5 │ ║
Session 0
Elara Oakenshield - reminds me of my kind family
Grand Maestro Caspian Eyndham - Glamorous, looks like he is very knowledgeable
Barkwood Adventurers Club - used to play with these other kids
Lady Elara Moonshadow - had so much to share, knowledge and wisdom, sympathetic to her running away from family, as I also feel at odds with my family and am trying to rebel
Sylvanheart Forest Sylvanheart Oak - a place to escape, vibes
Swampkings Lair - I love a dark king
Canine Harmony - Full spell knowledge, also can work with cats
Thrornbark has shared mushrooms with us and the vase of the forgetful. We drank the juice, and we feel like an absolute void. Stand for 2 days in the woods, gain 1 permanent HP. We feel as if we have a gift beyond.
Following the progress god?. So interested in the serpent cult and the doomsday but that is
Shadowpaw my friend. Somewhat Evil and Wild.This is all fueling my interest in the darkness and in turn learning about those horrors my belief in progress and good of people.
Barkwood Glade - unbelievable interdimensional space and ancient wizardry. I'm enamored in this world beyond… knowing even more there is more good beyond our bad pasts.
We find magical items in the slots but cant open the doors. End up back in Timberbark with our items and memories. We remember delivering the vase strangely. When we return later its a pile of rubble.
King Darian Ironhelm arrives and he takes our friends.
Elara secretly wants to marry Ed Love. I would be really worried for her well being but want her to be able to choose her love.
Verdanite, protection is part of my purpose and I always have had an interest in the darkness, the tempting opposite of my good religious family, so I would be scared while learning about the darkness also and desire protection from it.
Prince Cedric Ironheart. Seems like an outsider in his own family which I would relate to.
I am angsty in my perfect and religious family, seeking other worlds, knowledge and the secrets of the darkness. Using my powers for good and knowledge seeking, helping people because I have learned of such darknesses do exist.
Adventures Heart Yours and Mine
Shadowpaw is not good, but we get each other. Shadowkin, Umbral Prowlers.

The major events and journals in Sebastian “Von Spencer”'s history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sebastian “Von Spencer”.

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