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Julie Goldfury

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The major events and journals in Julie's history, from the beginning to today.

That mana well did more than just give me the ability to resist anti-magic. There is more. I have more. I can do more. It is an odd feeling, this magic. My thoughts are clouded, and the complex formulae used for magic are harder to grasp now. The more I attune with this energy the stronger I will get. Who knows what else I am capable of.

01:43 am - 20.06.2022

Must my opinion on Okriel be absolute? Surely there is a good reason for Okriel doing this. If Huldin is going to save Estergow and Wstergow, then why should we stop him. If we are going to be portrayed as villains, then who is to say that we arent the villains of someone else’s story. Is he doing the right thing? There have been atrocities at the hands of both the Syndicate and our group. What if he can truly help us maintain the the fabric of our world and universe as a whole?

02:32 am - 07.02.2022

He lives... I am a fool… I suppose at a certain level of understanding of the universe, a true epiphany hits where you realize there is so much more to learn. It is cruel however this epiphany is accompanied with the Master of the Maniacal who has likely been haunting my family for longer than I realize. He must have orchestrated all of this… That’s a terrifying thought to know that my path is intrinsically linked with Diklah. This whole situation is terrifying, and something tells me that Diklah is linked with Okriel and the syndicate in some way… I must kill Diklah. I have to right? I have to make this right. My people of Hepine, my family, my friend’s family, and for the sake of the natural world he has be destroyed. Chauntea guide me.

02:14 am - 07.02.2022

I was presented with two paths. Following the first path, I was never presented with an absolute solution everything had a consequence, a payment. Blood magic was always going to ask for more from me, and it would have only allowed Diklah more control over me, which I cannot abide. Following the second path has already shown me great visions of what is to come if I follow it to completion. There are no curses, no deals, and no payments of blood in this path, only enlightenment. I've already been shown my true self; my soul is not corrupted. I can change my fate, and I become something better and brighter than I ever thought was possible.

05:21 am - 05.12.2021

My father. This is his current state. I must fix him.

06:09 pm - 02.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Julie.

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