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Wed 31st May 2023 05:59

Session 9

by Daryan

On our way to the temple, it starts raining incredibly heavily. Exacting blade slips away without us noticing.
At the shrine, before we enter, we hear music. It sounds quite good! We decide to enter. Jan goes in first. Inside is a beautifal woman, red eyes, red hair, red lips, red nails. We ask nicely if we can come in.
All of us are immediately entranced. Obviously she respects us. As she stands up we notice she has the lower body of a spider. Also she has four hands. All over her body are silver tattoos and above her head a small half moon starts to appear. Also, she seems to be Falling Lotus's love interest. Her name is Red Lights At Dawn. She seems to be surprised about how short we've been solars. And tells us that 'the raven man' can tell us more about our current situation. Apparently he will arrive soon, so we get some tea and wait. While Red talks with Jan.
After a while we're allowed back in. Blade also joins us, as does 'the raven man'. Inside, we all gather around a table. Raven man reveals his name to be Ulric. I have like a million questions for him, so i start firing away.
Ulric tells me about being a solar and the first age. And the great betrayal. I understand a bit more about the whole thing. Ulric seems hella jaded and hates fairfolk, fae and the dragon blooded in particular. He tells us we now have a responsibility to make the world a better place, by getting rid of the Realm.

Daryan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Goals in Wu-Jian
    08 Mar 2023 09:33:37
  2. Session 8
    03 May 2023 08:27:25
  3. Session 9
    31 May 2023 05:59:10

The major events and journals in Daryan's history, from the beginning to today.

Battle at the Arena

02:39 pm - 25.10.2023

The session

02:38 pm - 25.10.2023

The session

05:13 pm - 11.10.2023

Session Pre Arena

05:13 pm - 11.10.2023

Session Pre Arena

05:14 pm - 06.09.2023

The session

05:14 pm - 06.09.2023

The session

05:48 pm - 31.05.2023

The session

08:28 pm - 03.05.2023

The session

05:07 pm - 03.05.2023

Home At Last

09:27 pm - 22.03.2023

Home At Last

06:04 pm - 22.03.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Daryan.

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Other Characters by Gunstig