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Sun 17th Sep 2023 12:09

Metal Vs. Magic

by K-9 Eldorist

The battle was far worse than K-9 had originally thought. The Black sludge monster was not only impervious to their attacks, but it also damaged Thissian and Declan's weapons and armor. They regrouped with Marcus and Kaimana and told them of their exploits. The new mayor of the village and came to see what news the group had found, his expression worsened when they told him what had happened. The group had two options that they were considering, Declan volunteered to run away and move on towards White City, while K-9 urged them to reconsider. "These people have been suffering under the spells of the hags each night. They have night terrors and some have changed into creatures. They are in need of our help. Who knows what the hags will do if we leave them unchecked." "I agree with the android," Kaimana said. "Let's finish this. I for one would be glad to get rid of the hags, and if it helps people in the process... well that's just a benefit." "What do we need?" K-9 asked. Declan was the first to speak, "K-9, didn't you say that you are good at crafting?" K-9 nodded, "That is correct." "Would you mind fixing my weapon? It seems that the sludge eroded my weapon." "Hey mine too!" Thissian exclaimed. "Not just my weapon, but my armor as well. Can you fix it?" "I can try." He said and took the melted weapons and armor. "I don't know if it will be of much help, but I do have these," K-9 reached into his satchel and pulled out fire bombs that he took from the Kobolds. "That'll do nicely." Thissian smiled. "I will begin working immediately on these as well as special arrows for those that can use them. K-9 began to fix the straps on the armor.
The rest of the group began to prepare for the upcoming battle by foraging for herbs that could be used as a remedy or by recruiting the towns guard to fight with them. Even the mayor helped out by bringing health potions and lantern oil. Kaimana shared from her shroud of mysteries some bottles of poison.

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