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16th of Ehlom, 423 k.1

One Hag Down...

by Kaimana

Not quite the outcome we were hoping for, but we survived… which is more than I can say for the verdant sister of this pathetic coven. We were able to slay the emerald hag in our attempt to ambush the three.
In preparation for the skirmish, the bewildered mayor of Skor granted us a small contingent of 5 lungulpers mascaraing in soldier regalia, as well as a smattering of useful items such as health potions and weapons. Tin man spent most of his time forging gear for the rest of the party while salamander and I gleaned what we could from the surrounding brush to procure some extra poison for the fight. In exchange for his aid, I granted salamander my purple worm poison. To tin man, I offered serpent venom, and I split what poison I made myself with half-ear.
At nightfall, I stealthily lead the group through the tunnels, but the air was eerily still. Nothing sinister lumbered into our path, and we made it quickly to the dimensional channel.
Once there, each of our party paired up with a soldier imbecile before crossing into the hags’ plane. I chose a lanky, bow-wielding, needlefish of a ranger to keep my stride. He made for a lousy shield, but turned out to make for an even lousier soldier.
I can’t wait to dive into the mystery of this dimensional channel! The surge of fel magic as we transported out of the cave was pure exhilaration. I could feel the mana waves wash over me as we jettisoned ourselves from our plane into the cosmic lobby. Tin man wasted no time in this celestial limbo, deftly superimposing our beings into the new realm, like being stamped into existence.
Upon our arrival, the hags were in the midst of an unholy incantation, summoning foul creatures from their cauldron into the ethereal plane. I never got the chance to examine these ethereal beings closely, for our assault dawned upon arrival.
I broke away quickly from the group to secure cover behind a column of rock, with needlefish in tow. But as he dallied to dip his arrow in poison, the fools that comprise my party clustered near my cover, giving the hags the perfect opportunity to fry some moron. The three summoned a streak of lightening that reduced needlefish and most his contingency to little more than baked chum. The sniveling landstrider never even got a shot off: how pathetic.
I weathered the shock as best I could and kept moving forward, breaking away from the rest of the party to dive into the center trench. As intimidating as the enormous tentacle writhing about the trench was, I took tin man’s assessment under advisement and let it be while I healed my wounds.
I tried to turn the hags’ immense pride against one another, but the demonic-looking witch seemed immune to my charms. Her sister of the sea seems less impervious, but must have been drawing strength from the immunity of her sister. Regardless, tin man lead the rest of the party to focus their efforts on the weakest of the sisters: the emerald hag.
After the simpering, green fool met her flaming demise, our team turned their attention to the hag with demonic features. Salamander managed to sink his purple worm venom tipped javelin into the decrypted crone, eliciting a satisfying twinge of agony from her face. But she weathered the poison better than I would have hoped, despite bemoaning the karmic sweetness it was to suffer the poison she herself had gathered. The miserable witch also revealed that she had harvested the purple worm poison from the Grey Wastes… a viable destination from the dimensional channel! My head is swimming with possibilities.
But while the rest of the party battled what they could see, ethereal beings were continuing to spill forth from the hags’ caldron! So I loosed Saysan upon the roiling pot, toppling it over to empty its physical contents and snuffing out the steady stream of vile aberrations lumbering off to Io knows where. At which point, the gutless sea witch fled the plane in terror. But just before the pathetic excuse of an ambassador for the ocean’s magnitude vanished into thin air, she revealed that they had been commissioned with the task of thwarting our party by a ‘metal man’ in an exasperated complaint to her demonic sister in abyssal. Curious…
The last remaining hag couldn’t sustain holding us off, so she too disappeared. But in parting, the wretch spoke forth a spell to implode the dimension we were inhabiting. I was unable to locate either of the hags lurking through the ethereal plane, but I was fairly distracted by the crumbling cave around me. Salamander grabbed a few bits and bobbles from the altar, tin man hoisted the charred remains of the emerald hag over his shoulder, and I grabbed the unused bottle of poison from needlefish’s fried corpse as our party escaped the a toppling demise.

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  1. One Hag Down...
    16th of Ehlom, 423 k.1
  2. Foe At First Sight
    16th of Ehlom, 423 k.2
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