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Sun 13th Aug 2023 09:42

As Seen Through the Eyes of an Automaton

by K-9 Eldorist

K-9, beaten and dented from the fight with the hags managed to make his way through the opening. once the group managed to find where the hags had escaped, the trail disappeared. K-9 went to the local blacksmith to forge a weapon for Bardolf while the others recuperated at the local inn. Once finished with his makeshift battle axe, K-9 went to join the rest of the crew. upon arrival of the inn, there was no one insight. The fires were still burning and the candles all lit. "Something feels amiss" he thought. Thissian led the crew to the third story where he immediately passed out. "Is this common for Dragonborn races to asleep so quickly?" he thought. "I will keep watch while you all rest," K-9 said, and handed Bardolf the battle axe. Bardolf made a noise that K-9 didn't recognize, "I think he likes it." he told himself. while the others slept, K-9 mended his broken ligaments and removed the dents that were made from the previous battle. Suddenly, he heard a crash down below. He grabbed his staff and woke up Bardolf to check and see what the noise was. when they went to investigate, the noise had come from the caretaker of the inn, a young woman by the name of Kip. When K-9 questioned why she would leave the adventurers alone in the inn, she dodged the question and offered to make them food, as the sun was about to rise.
Once the rest of the group had awoken, they were visited by the acting town mayor. The group relayed their findings to him and told him that the hag had escaped. When they went to show him of the evidence for their story, Bardolf was able to pick up the scent of the hags. He lead the group to a spot where the trail ended. K-9 attempted to hit one of the rocks to find out if it were false, only to have the floor disappear beneath him. A quick drop, he steadied himself and continued down the path of the cave.
Down the pathway, K-9, Thissian and Declan discovered an unkown structure. The structure had five pieces that were submerged in water. As Thissian and K-9 waded through the water, the moss started to glow and form strange markings. As they moved through the water, the moss would dissipate and reform the markings. Declan and Bardolf jumped into the glowing water, and K-9 reached for the center console. When he touched the console, all of them were immediately teleported to a far off distant plain full of stars and galaxies. Bardolf is overwhelmed and starts to run, and everyone is instantly teleported back to the cave. Bardolf jumps out of the water and refused to get back in. K-9once again touched the center console and all of them except Bardofl were sent back to the plain. K-9 noticed that the stars began to move in a pattern, and after a few moments realized that these stars were actually humongous creatures. "Hello?" K-9 called. His voice started to echo and then flow when he felt the touch of one of the creatures mentally. Suddenly, a vast knowledge was being downloaded into his brain. The stars and eons of knowledge flooded into him. The spikes on his head began to smoke and heat up, seeing all of this happen, Thissian immediately stepped off the platform teleporting everyone back to the cave. The water around K-9 began to steam and boil for a moment before returning to normal. "I... I... I understand." K-9 said.
The visions and horrors still passed before K-9's eyes, "What happened? Are you alright?" Thissian asked while helping K-9 back onto his feet. "this construct... is a transport of sorts," K-9 spoke. "That's how the hags have been getting around. They use this construct to teleport to different plains." "Can you use this thing?" Thissian asked. "I believe so. If I look at the moss, it tells me the patterns that coordinate with the different . Here, look I'll show you." K-9 touched the center console and the furthest console, which teleported them to a plain of fire and brimstones. "The center console is a sort of preview that allows us to view what is on the plain of the outer consoles." "Can we go back now?" Declan whined.
After a quick explanation, K-9 touched one of the other consoles and teleported the group to another cave where they saw three hags. The group decided to sneak attack the hags only to find out that it was a trap. The hags had numbers on their side and threw verbal insults at the group calling them stupid or a bit on the slow side. K-9 lunged forward at a nearby enemy and with a quick succession, took the enemy out. A hideous black sludge monster slowly slithered its way towards Thissian. All weaponry was useless against the monster, Thissian threw a javelin at the creature only to have it stick out like a horn. Declan cowers behind a rock and shouts, "I've got your back K-9!" and hid behind the rock. K-9 came up with an idea to lure the creature towards one of the consoles and push it to touch the console and be transported to another plane. As the creature grew closer, K-9 readied himself for the attack. The javelin touched the console and it transported the monster to the planes of hell. "Well, that just happened." K-9 thought. He looked over the cave and saw that there were giant tentacles coming out of the water. "Something feels familiar..." he thought. Just then, Thissian slashed at the tentacle cutting the creature. K-9 felt a wave of emotion that brought him to his knees for a moment, "What was that?!" He thought. The hags began to cackle and throw more insults at the group as more and more enemies spawned from the water. Thissian weighed their options, "This isn't looking good guys! I think we need to retreat!" And rushed back towards the console. As much as K-9 didn't want to run from the fight, he knew that the lives of his companions came first. He took one last look at the tentacle before hoping onto the console and teleported the group to safety. "We need to reconvene with the rest of our group and come back with better weapons" K-9 said. The heroes, defeated, returned to the village of forgetfulness.

Continue reading...

  1. As Seen Through the Eyes of an Automaton
  2. Metal Vs. Magic
  3. Seeing Double