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Sun 17th Dec 2023 10:47

Seeing Double

by K-9 Eldorist

K-9 returned with the rest of his party back to the town to find out that the curse had been lifted, but it came with a terrible price. The townspeople began to remember... everything. Their loved ones that had gone missing, or had perished all came flooding back to them and there was wailing in the streets. The local priest tried to comfort them and with the help of Kaimana offering a calming melody, they regained most of their senses to start packing up shop and get out of town. The group reconvened at the inn where the town mayor was wiping a tear away. "It seems that the curse effected even the strong willed," K-9 thought. The Mayor told us that there was someone who wished to see us and had news from White City on the current affairs of Marcus Spatz. The gentleman was talking with Marcus, but was dodging most of his questions. The group, weary of strangers decided to confront him on his behavior. That was when he dropped his disguise, and there standing in front of K-9, was himself.
Not really himself though. after all of the repairs that K-9 had done to himself, this person looked pristine and shiny, but without the strange markings of Mistra that are etched into K-9's body. "You're... like me?" K-9 could barely get out the words. The metal man just laughed, "Not exactly." "Where did we come from?" "I can't tell you that buddy, because we may look the same, but we're nothing alike." The false K-9 continued to mock the group and withheld any information that K-9 was so desperate to find the answers to about who he was. A feeling surged inside of him, one that he had never experienced before, but somehow felt familiar. It was like all of his circuits were being overclocked making every emotion K-9 had ever felt rise to the surface. He lunged towards his counterpart and began to make a series of blows against him. Marcus, Bardolf, and Declan joined in, throwing a barrage of attacks against him, only to have him laugh it off. K-9 brought his bo staff down for one final strike, as the clanging of metal rang throughout the inn, the False K-9 was fine with only a couple of dents and scratches. "I see why Mistra sent you guys." He said while rubbing the spot where K-9 hit him last. "What?" Thissian asked. "C'mon guys. Did you really think you were the first she's sent back?" The group stared at one another. "Oh... Oh, haha! This is just too good! This just gets better and better! You see, I have been traveling a long time to find you, because you have interrupted my business." "Business?" K-9 asked. "Yeah, business. You see, everything you're doing, is pointless. you saved the town and foiled my plans.... partially. But look around you, what is it that you saved? The people? The buildings?

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