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Wed 3rd May 2023 08:27

Session 8

by Daryan

The boys come to visit Daryan. Jan doesn’t trust the doctor. After a while they leave, but they want to go to some mansion or whatever to go after a spider i guess.
The next day Daryan confronts his mother about the doctor and how he doesn’t trust him. They have a big fight. At the end the doctor comes back in but he has a different voice now. So Daryan immediately yells at him to get out. He does so, but he does it by transforming into a bunch of ravens. Daryan tries to look for him but fails. Afterwards he tries to comfort his mother and convinces her to not trust strangers.
The day after, the boys pick up Daryan to go to that mansion, wich is apparently a temple actually. Exacting blade seems to know both the people that transform into animals. Wich seems kinda sus. But after confronting her about it, Daryan learns nothing. So he gives up and they go to the temple.

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