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Thu 2nd Jan 2020 04:32

Old Character Inventory [NOT IN USE]

by Miller Light

Gold: 500 gp
Token: 9

Weapon & Armor

• Silvered Maul
• Quarter Staff (4)
• Long Sword (3)
• Shield
• Filled Plate Armor


Potion & Scroll

• Elixir of Health (2)
• Scroll: Aid (1)
• Thunderous Smite (2)
• Scroll: Silence (1)
• Scroll: Bless (3)
• Scroll: Branding Smite
• Potion of Gaseous Form
• Potion of Greater Healing
• Component Pouch (1)
• Salt (X)


Scroll Case 1

• Cure Wounds (2)
• Superior Healing Potion (1)


Scroll Case 2

• Scroll: Hypnotic Pattern (1)
• Scroll: Hold Person (1)
• Wrathful Smite (1)


Tool and Kit

• Healer's Kit


Priest's Pack

• Back Pack
• Blanket
• Candle (10)
• Tinder Box
• Alms Box
• Block of Incense (2)
• Censer
• Vestment
• Ration (24)
• Waterskin



• Common Clothes (2)
• Traveler's Clothes
• Fine Clothes
• Manacle Set (1)
• 50ft Hempen Rope (3)
• Holy Symbol of Wondox
• Holy Symbol of Crowley
• Holy Symbol of the Seven
• Holy Emblem of Owoken'chan


Flavor Item

• Pair of Sock (10)
• Wooden Mask
• Broom
• Dried Root Ring
• Signet Ring



Elwyn's Grace

Elwyn's Grace
Wondrous (Headband) - Major Rare (2,000 gp) - Attunement
"This headband of flowers still exudes a sweet scent."
You may substitute your Intelligence bonus for Charisma when making Persuasion checks.
You may cast the spell Misty Step once per short rest.
Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you gain 2d12 temporary hit points.


Stick of Returning

Stick of Returning
Wondrous (Stick) - Common (150 gp)
It's a stick. It's a good stick. Looks good to chew on, if you're a dog.
When the stick is thrown, the thrower is disoriented for a moment, and the stick disappears. After 1d4 hours, the stick randomly appears in front of the thrower's feet. A creature that can see into the ethereal plane can see an ethereal golden retriever that follows the stick and its holder wherever they go, and when the stick is thrown, the puppy goes on a small adventure with it before returning it to the thrower.


Lute of Shredding

Lute of Shredding
Wondrous (Lute) - Common (150 gp)
This lute has been magically augmented to sound more bassy and powerful.


Ringmaster Raphael

Ringmaster Raphael
Superior (2 Use) \ Crafter \ Anything \ Constitution, Charisma \ Alchemy, Charm, Emotion, Energy, Health, Honor, Hope \ Special Attunement, Masterwork


Vedre Fumendul

Vedre Fumendul
Moderate \ Crafter \ Weapon (Heavy), Wondrous \ Constitution \ Murder, Chaos, Death \ Special Attunement, + Bonus



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  2. Old Character Inventory [NOT IN USE]