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Thu 14th Sep 2023 05:55

On Battling Hags

by Duke Declan Spats

After a brief but miserable scuffle with Hags, zombies, and some obnoxious swordproof pudding monster, (enjoy your life wherever you are now foul creature ha!), we emerged from the cave holding the teleporting runes with some wounds and more wounded pride. Was revenge on this noble's mind though, no, I was happy to be headed towards a warm bath and a hot meal. However, the fate of the town lay in the balance. Was there a way to defeat these Hags and their endless tricks and devious creatures?
Back in town, we sought out a means to victory. The town leader was willing to send some guards, we got the rest of our companions together, and we worked on procuring a greater variety of weapons to deal with the myriad threats. Bardulf and I bought some maces from the local blacksmith, and I got myself a bow and some arrows. We were also able to get some oil jars. I still thought the thing impossible, but you have to give the thing the old college try what.
While still pondering the difficulty of the thing at hand, I found myself in pitch battle. The hags at the far end of the cave, zombies right in front of us. We made our way through the zombies and attempted to rain deadly arrows upon the hags, but to little effect. Meanwhile, my chum, the metal creature with the dead fish eyes, lunged with incredible speed at one of the hags, and did something or other to disable her. Seeing my chance I hurled some oil and a torch and set her ablaze! The flame was not entirely effective, but it was the start of her downfall, and before long she was felled, in no small part to my courage and quick wit, and to some degree Bardulf's talent and combat, and some little efforts from the rest of the company, etc. Anyway, the zombies were but a trifle, and with them out of the way we focused our strength on the other two hags. The cowardly jackanapes, seeing the momentum of battle swing in our favor, used some means of magic to escaped, alas. Worse, the whole place began collapsing upon us and required a hasty retreat.
I believe the town is probably safe now, but a nights rest will prove the thing done or not, as we must ensure the nightmares cease. Seeing poor Kip having circles about her eyes the size of Crater island was enough to break this nobles kindly heart. Yes, Barfulf was the one to point that out to me as I was focused on hotcakes and sausages. Fine its in there now, are you happy Bardulf?

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  1. On Battling Hags
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