Inktober Day 5 prompt, Infected | World Anvil

Inktober Day 5 prompt, Infected

Those old zombie movies prepared us to deal with monsters, the runners, shamblers, climbers. They didn't prepare us for the Wendigo Virus, they didn't moan for brains, they just stood outside and waited. They will say anything to get in and they remember everything. It sounded so afraid, I remember when he started crying. I should have ended his misery but I was a coward, and I just wanted to hear his voice again.

These are entries are practice to get better at drawing for the fun of it. Everyday for Inktober I spent 30 minutes sketching out a prompt every day.

Click to link to check out the Inktober Writer's Gauntlet 2018!, a competition where a new prompt is given every day to either write or illustrate.

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