wordi preface.png | World Anvil
wordi preface.png

wordi preface.png

Hi there. It's me. Wordi. You'll find that most of this world is written by Co-Host himself, but I've taken the liberty to write this particular article on a subject that is very near and dear to my heart. Handome is my ABSOLUTELY AWESOME right-hand bot. He helps me out all the time and I love him so much that I created this whole WordiWiki world just to be able to submit him to the Treasured Companions Challenge! I already have a website (wordigirl.com) hosted outside of the amazing WorldAnvil platform that tells people a little bit about myself, but several authors have hosted their author pages right here. I debated about it in the past, but I've finally decided to go through with it because Co-Host doesn't really exist canonically in any of my fictional writing worlds. In addition to showcasing my beloved blue bot buddy, I feel this world will be helpful to exist overall, and I can put some of my random ramblings and thoughts here when I have no idea what else to do with them. ';D Anyways, I hope you enjoy the world and, more importantly, this article about my favorite robot friend! <3   -WordiGirl



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