A.I.M. Security Team

Advancing science by any means necessary

  • 1 Action per round
  • One Unit of 5 Models
STR d6
DEX d8
CHA d4
INT d6
HP 1
MV 1 Zone

Special Abilities

Supressive Fire

When making a SHOOT action against a UNIT in the current MOVEMENT ZONE, if the total of the attack roll is 8 or more then the target UNIT suffers the SUPPRESSED condition.

Access/Secure All Areas

When making a USE action, all team members can combine their attacks versus a single ITEM. When they do so, add +2 to the result for each additional model in the unit that's attacking beyond the first. When making a USE action at a security panel they can secure/open/activate ALL doors in the facility.

One Use Powers

"Let 'em 'ave it..."

When making a SHOOT action, the team members all combine their firepower to make a single d16 At least 3 models must remain to use this power.Add +2 to the result is the UNIT has four models, and +4 if it has five

The A.I.M. Security Teams ensure the A.I.M. Science Teams can go about their important work without interferance.

Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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