The Chakras
All living creatures, big or small, contain networks of mana within them that maintain their lives. Within these networks are nodes of power, each attuned to specific types of energy that correlate with the functions of the body. For unintelligent creatures, their access to these sources of energy is limited to the level of instinct, however, for creatures of intelligence, these pools of energy can become wellsprings of unimaginable power.
In humans, and other humanoids, these are commonly referred to as the Chakras. There are seven chakras in the human body, each attuned to particular types of energy and aptitudes. These chakra are: Root, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and the Crown. As one moves from the base to the crown, the Chakras shift from focusing on material reality to things to the spirit, mind, and even time and space.
Domains are categories of specific knowledge within each chakra that provide a framework for the actions of a character. These are broadly broken up into Martial, Wielding, Utility, and Environmental. Within each of these sub-domains are a collection of keywords that become accessible to the player as they gain knowledge and control over their chakras. It is worth noting, however, that these categories are merely suggestions. Magic is a very unpredictable thing.