

Health is the direct measure of a character’s vitality, setting a characters current condition against their current ideal healthiness. A character with full HP is alert, fresh, and free of wounds. However, this does not imply that they have no long term injuries. For example, a character that was missing a limb is still missing the limb when at full health, they are simply as healthy as they will be, despite their missing limb.

When a character takes damage points are removed from their health pool. A character whose health pool runs out is likely to fall unconscious and slip towards death. The three possible conditions for an character whose health pool is empty or in the negative are: dying, stable, and recovering. When their pool initially becomes emptied, they gain the dying condition, regardless of whether they are conscious or not. While a character has the dying condition, their health pool will continue to be reduced falling into the negative and they are more likely to become unconscious. The further they fall below zero HP the more likely they are to die. (See the rules in the side bar for explicit values and condition details.)

While death is not necessarily the end of a character, it certainly is not a pleasant experience. If the party wants to, and has the means, they can either find someone willing to resurrect a character or do it themselves. However, there if the character is not resurrected within three days they can not be resurrected by normal means.

Health Converts to Stamina at a 2:1 Ratio when determining cost.


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