At the beginning of conflict the turn order needs to be established. Many things can influence initiative, such as sneak attacks, ambushes, and other preemptive actions. First, determine which party or character has the advantage. As a general rule the party initiating the combat has advantage unless circumstances would logically dictate otherwise. Once it has been determined who has the advantage, party with the advantage declares their initial actions and the die are cast. The Attribute Rating Range for the declared action is added to the roll. Characters with initative advantage apply +10 to their initiative for the first round of combat only and gain 1 Breath for each 4 points of initiative above 20. Characters without advantage do not declare their initial action and may choose which Attribute Rating to add to their roll, however, they must declare which Attribute Rating they are adding and must use an action governed by Attribute Rating as their initial action.
- Attribute Rating refers to the Health, Stamina, Mana, Fade, and Movement ratings.
- For initiative, roll 1d20 and the die associated with the range rank for the given attribute along with any other relevant bonuses, and sum the totals.
- The party determined to have initiative advantage adds 10 to their totals.
- Note the initiative value for each character in order.
- For each 4 points of the total over 20, the character receive a temporary +1 to their breath pool. These do not replenish once used.
Some mechanics, such as Wielding Arts and Fade Arts reference initiative as a means of determining when a spell activates once the casting has begun. In these cases, subtract the casting time from the character's initiative to determine when the ability activates.