

A character is stabilized or above 0 hp and has fully rested for at least 8 hours.
Characters recovering by full rest receive increased health replenishment.

A character regains 1 HP x 1d6 per day as long as they rest for at least 8 hours. If a character takes a full days rest, they regain 2 HP x 1d6 per day. Additionally, the condition of their environment and whether or not their wounds are being tended makes a difference. A character that receives non-magical healing regains an additional 2HP per day per for each 5 points beyond the required CR achieved by the healer. Sleeping in a bed, indoors, increases the healing bonus to 3 x 1d6hp per day. A character receiving non-magical treatment, in a clean indoor bed, and resting for a full day recovers 5 x 1d6hp per day.


If a character interupts their full rest with any strenuous activity the recovering condition ends. Simple actions such as walking around a room or sitting in a chair do not disrupt the recovery condition. Additionally, after reaching their maximum HP the recovering condition ends.

Related Conditions:
Dying, Trauma, Stabilized


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