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Ayato Huichen

Former Earth King


The tragedy of Earth King Ayato Huichen has gone down in Earth Kingdom history. Many viewed the king as a warmongering maniac, while others saw him as a broken child who cracked under the weight of his burdens. This biography strives to paint a clear picture that will allow readers to understand who Ayato truly was.

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In his childhood Ayato was known to be curious and full of energy, always excited to explore the vast desert that he called home. Sadly these qualities faded as he grew older due to the horrors he experienced growing up. Ayato was also known to be incredibly loyal to his loved ones and cared for them above all else, but this unyielding loyalty would make him naive and reckless.
After losing his brother Belan, the only person he had left in the world, Ayato became cold and full of rage. With all of his loved ones dead, he lost his passion for life and was left with nothing but grief within his heart. By the time Ayato was crowned king the optimism and passion he had in his youth was gone, and became an empty husk of a man. Ayato’s retainers would recount how his reckless disregard for life would only worsen as he became increasingly consumed by revenge.
What is important to understand about Ayato is that beneath it all, the boy was grieving. Underneath the cold and hardened exterior was a lonely child that desperately wanted to have his family back. Ayato’s actions as king were the actions of a broken man who wished for others to share in his pain.

Physical Appearance

His brother Belan always noted how Ayato’s piercing brown eyes looked just like their mother’s. Eyes who had seen far too many horrors far too young. Growing up in the unforgiving desert of the dead, Ayato had a slim build and wore typical sandbender garb to protect from the sun. His locks of wavy brown hair always seemed to have bits of sand in them, even when he resided in the royal palace. Despite being royalty Ayato was always known to have an unkempt appearance, an attribute that became increasingly prominent in his later years.




Ayato Huichen was born to Sai-Lun Huichen, a Sand Chieftess of the Hami Sand Tribe in 293 AG. The Huichen clan is a noble family originating in the Si Wong Desert that has had several Sand Chieftains throughout the ages. Ayato was the younger brother of Belan Huichen, the first son of Sand Chieftess Sai-Lun. However Ayato would be the one to take up the mantle of chief, partially since he was closest to his mother and a powerful sandbender. Kyama Genyuan Huichen is also Ayato’s cousin, her mother being Chief Sai-Lun’s sister. Ayato’s father was a firebender named Hayato Kazangan, who had abandoned him while he was young. Hayato Kazangan later had another child with a different mother, naming this child Akane and making her Ayato’s half sister. Sadly neither Ayato nor Akane knew of each other’s existence, until Akane learned from her father following Ayato’s death. The origins of Ayato’s father and the Kazangan family remain a mystery, some speculate that the family was of both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom heritage. The name Ayato is assumed to have been given to him by his father Hayato, due to it being a name of Fire Nation origin
Ayato grew up in the harsh and unforgiving land of the Si Wong Desert making him a powerful sandbender. Although he had safety in the Hami Tribe’s village, he yearned to travel and see the world. His mother Sai-Lun was famous for her sand sailing skills and was known to have traveled far across the Earth Kingdom. Ayato grew up wanting to be just like her, and embarked on journeys of his own when he was older. He spent a significant amount of his teenage years in the great city of Ba Sing Se before returning to the Si Wong Desert.
During his teenage years in Ba Sing Se, Ayato had an affair with a woman named Zhinü Tuliao. Unbeknownst to Ayato, Zhinü became pregnant and would later give birth to his only son. This son was named Aletai and records state that he was born sometime in 308 AG. Ayato was separated from Zhinü before Aletai was born and would never have the chance to meet his son or even know of his existence. Aletai is alive as of writing this and resides in the Earth Kingdom.
The elders of the Hami Tribe have said that Ayato was a happy and carefree child in his youth, but upon returning from his journey to Ba Sing Se he had lost his optimism and innocence. Sadly it was not long after Ayato returned home to his tribe that the great Sandbender rebellion began.
Ayato Huichen first gained national attention during the great Sandbender rebellion of 309 AG. Following the sandbender raids caused by his mother, Ayato revealed himself as the tribal prince of the Hami Tribe and fought against the kingdom in the rebellion. However after the death of Sai-Lun and due to Belan’s desire for peace, Ayato famously chose to end the rebellion with Queen Kyama in Winter of that year. Following the rebellion Ayato returned to the Hami Tribe to become the new Sand Chief while Belan stayed in Ba Sing Se with Queen Kyama.
Ayato was beloved by the people of the Si Wong Desert for his dedication to improving the quality of life for the inhabitants of the desert. The impacts of Ayato’s legacy can still be seen today through the sprawling city that has become what was once Hami Village.
When Earth King Belan Huichen succeeded the throne in 310 AG Prince Ayato left the Si Wong Desert to go to Ba Sing Se and stand by his brother’s side. Ayato loved his brother deeply and was passionate about making Belan’s dream of restoring spirituality in the kingdom come true. At the time Belan was the only family Ayato felt he had left due to his mother’s death. The two brothers were beloved by the people of the Earth Kingdom due to their humble origins and accomplishments, however it would seem they still had enemies.
The infamous assassination of Earth King Belan in 311 AG devastated Ayato. People say that following Belan’s death Ayato turned cold and was consumed by revenge. General Run Xiao was known to be the only person Ayato confided in during this time. Ayato assumed the throne following Belan’s death and was crowned king. Ayato had never wanted the throne but took it up in the hopes of following in his brother’s footsteps.
Earth King Ayato declared war on the Fire Nation in the Winter of 311 AG following Belan’s death at the Fire Lord’s coronation. Those that interacted with Ayato during this time described him as harsh and merciless, as well as increasingly reckless. It was evident that the traumatic events that transpired in the years preceding Ayato’s reign had taken a toll on his sanity. The Earth Kingdom military rallied behind Ayato’s call to arms and the bloodshed ensued between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation.
Following a confrontation between Ayato and Kano Sentō of the Fire Nation in the Summer of 312 AG Ayato was left injured, which would contribute to his downfall in future battles. Later that year during the battle of Fort Qam, Earth King Ayato was killed. He recklessly charged into battle against General Kano and would die of his wounds. Before drawing his last breath Ayato wrote his dying thoughts in a bloodstained notebook and passed the mantle of king to his general, Run Xiao.
Earth King Ayato Huichen died at the age of nineteen in the year 312 AG. He is buried alongside his brother Belan and mother Sai-Lun in the Shamo Temple of the Si Wong Desert. The legacy of Ayato Huichen lives on through the people of the Hami Tribe and through his only son, Aletai.
  Political Figure: Earth King   Reign: 311 AG - 312 AG   Predecessor: Earth Monarch Belan
293 AG 312 AG 19 years old
Si Wong Desert
Dark Brown
130 lbs

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