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Chief Suluk Sappho


In his short time as chief, Suluk Sappho focused on the core aspects of the swamp nation to improve the nation to new heights. The swamp branches and the nation saw tremendous growth throughout his time as chief.
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Suluk is a slim yet slightly toned man that sits at 5 feet and 11 inches. He has striaght black hair and deep yet dark brown eyes. He also has sun kissed tan skin and is seen usually wearing a loose top and pants made from leaves.


Suluk is easily bothered yet extremely extroverted and hopes to make friends with every person he meets. He tries his best to respect everyone, even those who he disagrees with, but his attitude and sarcasm, paired with his temper, make it difficult. Suluk loves to have a good laugh.


In the beginning of his life Suluk struggled severly, having been an orphan for most of his life. He persevered in the ice covered Southern Water Tribe. Later in life, Suluk met a man named Mackatara at a fish market. It had been Mackatara's son’s 15th birthday, and he wanted to treat him. Mackatara walked over to Suluk’s fish stand to purchase a bag of cod. Suluk handed Mackatara the fish, but instead of leaving, Mack stayed to converse with Suluk. Suluk was 16 at the time and a fatigued orphan working hours on end to provide enough money for basic clothing and a home, and somehow, Mackatara saw part of himself in Suluk. He told his story and Suluk told him his own tale. After talking it out with his husband, Tyanak, Mackatara decided to adopt Suluk to give him a chance to grow up with a loving family. The Sapphos fostered and cared for him from that moment on. A year later, Suluk pursued a career in the Foggy Swamp Tribe government alongside his aunt Rayah Sappho, as council people.
Most notably Chief Suluk during his time as chief continued to lead the war alongside the Earth Kingdom and Nahaut against the United Republic of Nations. While this was not the war he started, his predecessors believed for him to carry their vision for the future of the swamp. He also continued to cultivate the swamp by having many new advances in the swamp during his rule throughout the branches and the physical builds that lay on the swamp lands. Eventually Suluk realized of how content he was with exploring and finding a new adventure in every trip he made. He left his chiefdom to find the true beauty in all the corners of the world.

Suluk Sappho

  Political Figure:
Chief   Reign:
318 AG - 319 AG   Predecessor:
Chief Akuna & Chief Miara   Nation:
The Foggy Swamp Tribe  


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