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Earth King Zed


Earth King Zed is a man of few words, mostly because he knows actions speak louder. He's a quick thinker, a strong fighter, and is widely loved by his people.

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Cunning and logical, Zed is just as much a strategist as a warrior. He has been through many conflicts and is a careful tactician, though on the battlefield he is regarded as a fearless expert in combat. Those who know him consider him kind, though at times quiet, and he is reliable enough to own the titles of both Adviser and Lieutenant at the young age of only twenty-two.
With the build of a warrior and hazel eyes marked with the intensity of a soldier, Zed finds himself fitting in best among soldiers. His tall figure and rather high-class sense of fashion would never be matched to the orphaned raven-haired child of his past, yet he is a proper veteran whose athletic figure has seen its due on battlefields and war.


The orphanages of Ba Sing Se were by no means luxurious, but when Zed was left at one of them, he had little care or frame of reference. None of his family was known to the man, only that they had passed down dark hair and hazel eyes and little else. By the time most children were in school, he was earning money from any job he could - from labor in the outer ring, under caring farmers or the Guilds, to running letters for soldiers posted on the walls.
He learned a variety of skills during these younger years, at the expense of the precious youth others savored, and when it came to adulthood, he was already a capable warrior and even educated. Under General Run Xiao, he fought in the war against the Fire Nation and performed well, even being given the rank of Adviser.
Due to his exceptional service, he was offered a reward by the Earth King and requested the estate once known as the Beifong Estate, its walls crumbled and its houses filled with dust. During the years of peace after the war, he hired all manners of workers to turn an old and beaten ruin of a manor into somewhere worthy of a nobleman, even as he continued to serve as an officer in the military - to him, the manor was what marked him as different from the child of his past, his anchor to the present.
Though already an exceptionally high ranking officer in the military - one of only two lieutenants on top of his adviser rank - he sought further employment. Under the Tianshi, he became a clergyman and even a Jiaoshi, while he even sought work in the Foreign Ministry. Alongside this, he became friends with many of the most esteemed officials, in part due to his work ethic and in part due to his prodigious talents: Earth King Run Xiao, Grand Secretariat Jacinth, Captain Chugba, Captain Gesho, Tianshi Mei.
He met the love of his life at a ball, where she had been dragged along as a plus one to the Tianshi - Kana was formally introduced to him due to his rank, and she was left alone with the man. They discussed their lives, about how Kana was shadowing the Tianshi and the kingdom’s situation, before eventually he asked her to a dance. Though the Tianshi had to leave early, that lingered in his mind for a long time.
After serving in the war against the Foggy Swamp Tribes, Zed was invited to become Earth King as an equal to Earth King Jacinth and accepted. He swore a rather noteworthy claim, to restore the military to its glory days.
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  Political Figure:
Earth King   Reign:
317 AG - Present   Predecessor:
Earth King Run   Nation:
Earth Kingdom  

Year of Birth
296 AG 21 Years old

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