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Elder Jinji

"Jinji stood atop the cliff of her upside-down temple, staff in hand and a starry gleam in her eyes."

Written by: Astra


The Elder of the Western Air Temple, Jinji is a kind and spiritual soul. She has a strong sense of community and an eye for aesthetics, and she's a spectacular leader. This article gives a look into Jinji's remarkable life.


Jinji has always been deeply connected to the upside down pires and shadowy alcoves of the Western Air Temple. When Jinji finally became Elder after Kuai's short time as Elder before her, she took it upon herself to restore the temple to its former glory after it was neglected from Elder Reznik's time. The towers had overgrown vines, some breaking apart in places in which they were especially unkempt. The statues were small and drab, the meditation spots dry and void of life. With the help of her good friend Master Hes, she fixed up the towers, redid the statues to be large and grand, and made many other improvements to the temple. She often hosts meditation sessions at meditation spots she built around Western, and they are said to be some of the most calming group meditations one can attend.
After the temple was newly fixed, many Nomads moved there. This is when Jinji met some of her closest companions, even renaming the towers at Western after some of her non-male friends. She became particularly close with Master Yua and Keeper Amanthi, the latter of which would go on to become her Abbess. With the large group of Nomads at her temple and Jinji's unfaltering spirit, Western always has some of the grandest decorations during holidays and events.
As an architect of sorts, Jinji had always been interested in ancient structures, abandoned over time. One in particular has always been her favorite, that being Lacus. She visits the city often, admiring the unique buildings and forgotten pieces of history scattered around. Sometimes, she takes Air Nomads with her, showing them her favorite spots and teaching them all she's learned from exploring Lacus. Jinji is also known for leading extravagant and interesting trips. She traversed the Northern Water Tribe and Ba Sing Se with large groups of people of all nations in tow. A spectacular teacher, people always leave the expeditions feeling more knowledgeable. The days of travel bring people together from all corners of the world.
Jinji's newest project is a large building feat: a dojo at the Western Air Temple, along with the very first Guard. With her friend Grandmaster Yua, the dojo's design is unlike any seen before, while still following the unique style of the Western Air Temple. All can't help but excitedly anticipate how the project will turn out.

  Political Figure:
Western Air Temple Elder   Reign:
304 AG - 320 AG   Predecessor:
Elder Kuai   Nation:
The Air Nomads  

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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