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Elder Lahio

Written by: Lahio Edited by: Astra


Elder Lahio is a perserverant fighter for justice and peace. He has a deep love for his temple and will stop at nothing to defend it and his people.



Born to humble tea farmers Raimok and Sishan in 291 AG, Lahio’s adventure had just begun. His father Raimok, a Firebender, and his mother Sishan an Airbender. Lahio obtained Airbending while his Older brother, Zaorom was able to wield fire. While growing up in Ba Sing Se, Lahio’s father worked in the tea fields and taught him how to brew tea from an early age. His mother worked in the fields as well, and called Lahio, her storm cloud because of his grayish silver eyes and his unpredictable nature. Unfortunately Lahio’s parents would be killed by criminals who were extorting tea farmers for money. When they refused to pay, the multitude of criminals attacked and burned the farm, with Lahio’s parents inside. After that night Zaorom was presumed dead by Lahio as they were separated by a burning support beam in the escape.
For years Lahio lived on the streets of Ba Sing Se, scamming and fighting his way through life. When he was rummaging through a trash can, looking for food, Lahio found an old book detailing Air nation history and the many temples that they had, and after Harmonic Convergence the rebirth of the Air Nation. After self-reflection, realizing his deceased parents would never approve of his lifestyle, Lahio went and looked for a life they would approve of. Upon his arrival at the Southern Air temple the year is 311 AG, Lahio is 20 years old and his training is beginning as a Guardian, although he has taken an oath of non-violence he wishes to avenge his parents when the time has come.
But for now, Lahio brews tea in remembrance of his mother and father continuing their legacy of tea making.
by OMGItsQuali

  Political Figure:
Southern Elder   Reign:
316 AG - Present   Predecessor:
Southern Elder Lui   Nation:
The Air Nomads  

Year of Birth
291 AG 26 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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