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Fire Nation Settlements

Capital City


Caldera is the capital city of the Fire Nation. It is build on top of a dormant volcano, and is home to the majority of Fire Nation citizens. The city holds the Fire Nation Palace, home to Fire Lord Kano. Furthermore, Caldera holds the embassies to the Water Tribe, United Republic of Nations, the Foggy Swamp Tribe, and the Earth Kingdom. In the center of the city, there is a library that was built by Avatar Tamiko (formerly High Sage Tamiko) and holds a large array of books that detail Fire Nation history. Caldera is divided into two sections - the upper class and lower class. The upper class section of Caldera is distinguishable by the golden rooftops, whereas the lower class buildings are characterized by stone brick roofs.

Other Cities

New Kasen

New Kasen is the largest city in terms of sheer area. New Kasen is a hub for trade and manufacturing. Both the Domestic Sage and Foreign Sage HQ's are located in New Kasen, as well as a massive skyrail that stretches from New Kasen to other key locations in the Fire Nation, such as forts. New Kasen is known for it's exports of gold, as the majority of the Fire Nation's gold comes from the New Kasen gold mine.


Located right next to New Kasen, Ankoshima is a small town that was founded by Avatar Tamiko. It is built on a cliffside that stretches down to a sandy basin. Ankoshima is the newest Fire Nation city, having been started right before Avatar Tamiko became the Avatar. It is home to multiple members of Team Avatar, as well as Grand Sage Leafy. High Sage Yeknom also has a flower shop on the island. Furthermore, there is a small aviary that is home to several bee hives.


Currently under construction, Purenzu is located right next to Fort Kame. It is known for having a factory that produces damascus steel, as well as a large Crescent Sage temple in the center of town. Purenzu holds the Fire Sage headquarters, the Engineer headquarters, and a storage room for Domestic Citizens. Upon completion, Purenzu will serve as a center for cultural celebrations - with Grand Sage Leafy planning to start a theatre troupe known as the Purenzu Players, and Mahatma Ryuki hosting several spiritual events such as meditation circles in the center of the city. Purenzu will also hold a courthouse that will be used by the Law Sages, upon completion.


A once defunct town with no inhabitants, Newspire has been revitilized by Fire Sage Aoi and Head Farmer Kiri. Located on an island far to the east, Newspire is known for it's unusual housing methods. Houses are built both normally and within the mountains, serving as homes and bunkers. Newspire is under heavy construction and it's population has increased drastically since it's revival.

Nokorobi Island

Nokorobi Island is a small settlement located slightly North-East of Fort Hiru. It is known for having two large venues - the outdoor wedding venue and the indoor Nokorobi Theatre. Nokorobi is unique, as the housing is primarily large appartments that protrude from the waterr, held aloft by large wooden pillars. Nokorobi serves as a vacation site, and has many small shops, restaurants, and other consumer goods. Notable events that occured on Nokorobi include: the marriage between Avatar Tamiko and Fire Lord Kano (div.), the marriage between Fire Sage Rao and former High Sage Eineya (div.), and the press conference held to quell thoughts of rebellion during the reign of Fire Lord Kaneko (although, the rebellion occured anyways). Currently, Nokorobi has very few citizens, but is under the supervision of High Sage Sapphire, who plans to get the settlement back on it's feet within the next few years.

New Arsen

Located south of New Kasen, New Arsen is a city in a dense jungle. Previously, New Arsen was a place where anyone could settle with no housing regulations. This led to the island becoming chaos, and in response, the Fire Nation decided to renovate. With the help of Royal Advisor Polar, who is Daimyo of New Arsen, the city was rebuilt to fit building standards and better organization. Now, New Arsen is known for it's exports of jungle wood, and beautiful jungle scenery. Furthermore, the famed black market, formed by Royal Advisor Polar, is located on the island, and is still in operation to this day.

The Fire Islands

Nation:The Fire Nation   Capital City:Caldera   Location:The Fire Islands  

Form of Government:Absolute Monarchy   Head of State:Fire Lord   Head of Government:The Grand Sage, the High Sage's, and the governors of the Shihon, Minami, Kita, and Azuma districts   Current Fire Lord: Kano Seto   Previous FIre Lord: Liv Daeyang  

  Animals: Dragon moose, komodo rhinos  
Location on Map

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