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Guru Div

"Cooperation and unity are what the Air Nomads stand for, and they lead us to succeed together as a community."

Written by: Astra


Guru Div is not only clever and witty, but also collected and composed. It is because of these traits that he is looked up to by Air Nomads living in all corners of the world. He is very skilled at communication and problem solving and serves as a wonderful member of the Council of Elders. The following article is about the life and legacy of Guru Div.


For decades, Div has resided in the Cave Neighborhood of the Northern Air Temple. Although he is known to keep to himself, Div is always willing to offer a hand to Nomads who need it. His advice has struck the hearts of many, both spiritually and personally. For his seemingly neverending wisdom and his heightened sense of spirituality, Div is one of the most highly respected Air Nomads to ever have lived, and his impact on the nation will carry over for generations to come. The Air Nomads can always rely on Guru Div during particularly turbulent times, whether it be for his unfaltering wisdom or equally as unfaltering humor to ease the tension.
In the year 305 AG, along with various others from the Council of Elders at the time, Guru Div created the Watcher Branch. The counterpart to the Master Branch, the Keepers would focus on protecting and collecting knowledge. Now, over a decade later, the Watcher Branch remains strong with dozens of Air Nomads pursuing the path focusing on wisdom, teaching, and exploration. Without his work in managing the beginning years of the branch, it might not be as successful as it is today. Div also worked diligently to help with the new rank of Emissary for the Air Nomads to further better international relations.


Div can usually be found in his small, cozy room dug into the side of the winding underground tunnels of Northern. It is this sanctuary that he reads, writes, and paints (mainly the latter). He's painted various pictures of animals and nature in his own unique style that have inspired numbers of artists globally. His most famous work is a watercolor of the Southern Air Temple, which has been copied, printed, and shared throughout the nations. It features the main mountain complex colored in blue and gold with tall viridescent mountains in the background. Many, especially those who live at Southern, resonate with the portrait and appreciate it as one of the greatest works of the modern generation. It has sparked a new era in the art community of elegant simplicity.
by Divvvv
by Divvvv
Another of his pieces is the Flying Bison Skeleton Diagram, a lesser known one but just as intriguing. Each bone and joint of the friendly animal is hand-drawn and labeled with letters on cream parchment, giving scientific insight to the anatomy of the Flying Bison. The diagram is primarily used in classrooms and lecture halls, but some choose to display copies of it in their homes as well.
by KiwisShouldFly

  Political Figure:
Guru   Reign:
298 AG - Present   Nation:
The Air Nomads  

Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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