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This article is about Omashu, one of the greatest cities of the Earth Kingdom.

Written by: Astra


The second largest city in the Earth Kingdom, Omashu is truly a sight to behold. It was built atop a mountain in the Kolau Mountains in the western part of the Si Wong Desert. One of the most notable features of the city is the item transportation system, with a series of carts that zoom throughout the city on tracks build from rock. A tradition starting with Earth King Bumi and Avatar Aang, people have been known to jump into the carts for a fun ride from time to time. The Cave of Two Lovers, more commonly reffered to as the "Secret Tunnel" in the modern day, is another famous site, built under a neigboring mountain with a series of tunnels leading to Omashu.


Omashu is circled by a massive wall with the Earth Kingdom symbol carved above the entrance gates. The only entry point of Omashu is a narrow bridge of earth crossing above a steep drop into a wide chasm, where there have been reports of sightings of gigantic badgermoles. Just outside of the wall and past the bridge is a small port on the coast, an outdoor dining and event area, and horse stables for all Omashu residents to use. Upon entering the city itself, travelers are greeted by a tall welcoming center. Past that are houses and stores built upon seemingly irregular layers of land with carved stairs between, all forming a crescent-like shape around the pyramid. The walls of the buildings are made from the same stone of the mountain, with deep green roofs lined in gold and supported with spruce wood. Pathways of stone wind throught the city, occassionally passing underneath large arches holding up the famous delivery tracks connecting all major buildings. Flanking the pyramid in centered in the back of Omashu are two large towers used as takeoff points for the delivery carts and for storage. At the top of the pyramid sits a meeting hall, and just below that, the throne room. A staircase leads down to the center of the pyramid where there are living quarters for Omashu royalty and nobles, completed with a kitchen and a study.


The great city was named after two lovers, Oma and Shu, from rivaling villages who learned earthbending from the badgermoles and used their power to unite their homes into Omashu. It quickly became a prosperous city, with easy access to ports for trade. In the late 4th century BC, however, Omashu fell victim to Chin during the War of Chin the Conqueror. After Chin was defeated by Avatar Kyoshi, Omashu remained out of conflict until 0 AG, in which the city fought against the Fire Nation by producing weapons and supplies during the Hundred Year War. King Bumi ruled throughout almost the entirety of this war, but fell to the hand of Princess Azula in 99 AG. The city was quickly regained by Omashu King Bumi on the Day of the Black Sun. Omashu also fell to Kuvira in her quest to "reunite" the Earth Kingdom, but was liberated once more when Avatar Korra put a stop to her.
In 309 AG, the Omashu Summit was held by Earth Queen Kyama (who was preceeded by her husband, Earth King Taron). At this conference, leaders of the Earth Kingdom and Sand Tribe met and began a new era of peace.


At first glance, Omashu can seem a bit dull with the pale stone in every direction and the same-colored roofs. However, the city has a sense of magic within, teeming with mischevious citizens and clumsy cabbage merchants. The people are efficent and effective in their work, making the city one of the most famous in the world.


Nation: Earth Kingdom   Location: Kolau Mountains  

Government: Omashu Monarch   Current Monarch: Omashu Queen Aru  
Location on Map

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