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The Northern Water Tribe

This article is an overview of the Northern Water Tribe

Written by: Sairan
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The Northern Water Tribe is home to the Northern Waterbenders and is the Northern division of the Water Tribes. The North Pole is ruled by Northern Water Chief Irelia, who oversees the North in partnership with Southern Water Chief, Kodalaq, who rules the sister Tribe in the South. The Northern Water Tribe is the oldest of the Water Tribes and is dominated by centuries of tradition and spirituality. Being a strong political and economic power, the Northern Tribe holds an immense amount of influence on global politics.

Table of Contents

Capital City

Agna Q'ela

Agna Q'ela is the Northern Capital of the Water Tribes. Home to the majority of Water Tribesmen, the city is an architectural wonder; featuring a Royal Palace made entirely out of snow and ice, an expansive and elaborate canal system and a powerful defense system that allowed them to live through the hundred year war. It is a multi-tiered city, leading all the way up to the Royal Palace from the shores of the Northern Sea and is surrounded by steep cliffs of snow and ice. The city layout features an elaborate canal system with a water-locking mechanism. This is powered by waterbending, which makes the city only passable by waterbenders. Because of this, the canal system plays an integral part in the capital's defenses, as it prevents any unwanted armies from ever taking a foothold in the city as it is made entirely out of snow and ice.

The Great Sea Wall

The Great Sea Wall is a thick barrier of snow and ice that acts as the main entrance to Agna Q'ela. Lined with guard towers and powerful waterbending defenses, it acts as the primary defense point of the capital city. The only way to enter the capital is through the Sea Wall by waterbenders lowering the walls and raising the water levels into the city.

The Royal Palace

The Northern Water Tribe Royal Palace is a large structure built of snow and ice. It is situated at the highest point in Agna Q'ela and sits on a large pool of water that leads into the numerous canals throughout the capital city. It is one of the most recognisable landmarks in the city, representing the strength and power that the Water Tribes hold.
Leading up to the front entrance of the palace and along the large pool of water, there are beautifully carved pillars that represent the Tribe as a whole, symbolising its history and traditions. The pillars light your way as you walk towards the palace, acting as a beacon during the night when the moon is out, symbolically representing that they are the pillars of Water Tribe society. Outside of the palace, there are healing huts and banquet seating for festivals and celebrations.

The Spirit Oasis

The Spirit Oasis hosts the mortal bodies of the Moon and Ocean Spirits, which makes the Oasis the most spiritual place in the Northern Water Tribe. The only access into the Spirit Oasis is behind the Royal Palace, which is heavily guarded in order to protect the spirits. Because of the spiritual energy within the Oasis, it creates a warm and peaceful environment, allowing the growth of lush greenery as opposed to the frozen tundra of the North Pole. The water within the Spirit Oasis is also said to have unique healing capabilities due to the Moon and Ocean spirits residing within it.




Tatuq is one of the oldest and largest cities in the Northern Water Tribe, besides the capital city, Agna Q'ela. It located West of the capital, within the frozen tundra. Because of this, the city is lined with fortified walls, protected with waterfalls along the inside. This gives the city its ingenious name meaning "hole or crevice" as the walls protect the city from all the elements, much like a crevice would. It features an elaborate architectural design, dissimilar to the typical style you would find in the Northern Water Tribe; but it is also this that gives the city its recognisability. The city was designed and built by previous reigning Water chief and Admiral of the Northern Fleet, Nakari, and it is the place he still calls his home.


Parvati is a small igloo village located West of Agna Q'ela, on the very edge of the steep cliffs of ice and snow. From Parvati, you have an amazing view of the Great Northern Capital, Agna Q'ela. Being prone to the elements of the frozy tundra, igloos were chosen as the prime housing style to protect against the elements. The city is filled with snow and ice sculptures sprawled around the village and has been growing in size considerably over the past few years.

Yue Liang

Yue Liang is a port town located on the Northern shores of the North Pole, just South of Tatuq. The town has become known for its distinct architectural design and home to a more contemporary way of living, away from the traditions of the Capital City. It is also home to a bending school that features a waterbending arena


Nerrivik is a small remote village on the Northern tip of the North Pole. The people living here are one with the elements of nature as they are detached from the vast civilisations situated in the North Pole.


Nanook is a village North-East of Agna Q'ela, situated in a frozen forest of spruce. The buildings are made of the timber that surrounds the village, with high roofs to prevent snow from building up. The village features a frozen lake that the locals use to ice skate. It is also a worker village as it is located by a quartz mine, and is used as their primary source of income.


Catori is an island town located East of Agna Q'ela. It is known to be a military town as it is directly opposite Fort Onartok, one of the oldest defensive forts in the North Pole. Because of this, the village is lively and exciting, showing off Water Tribe nationalism, making it both a tourist location for waterbenders, but also a safe space against enemy invaders.



Fort Onartok

Fort Onartok is one of the oldest forts in the Water Tribe. Taking over an entire snow-island, it has walls lined across the shores to prevent anyone unwanted from landing on the ground and gaining any potential advantage by forcing them to stay on the water. It has been recently remodelled and is currently out-of-use, but the new expansions and designs are thought to be impressive as Previous Chief and Admiral, Nakari, had given clear advice on the best strategy to develop for optimal defense.

Fort Lya

Fort Lya is a fort commissioned under the reign of Chieftess Yimuru. It is located South-East of Agna Q'ela, protecting the bay of the Great Sea Wall, with towers sprawling on several islands that are connected with bridges. The design of the fort mimics the shape and structure of icebergs, in order to pre-emptively strive any unknowning enemies entering Water Tribe waters. It is also equipped with plenty of underground dorm rooms, tower rooms, storage shelves, as well as offices for Military Officials.

Fort Kya

Fort Kya is located South-Eastern cliffs of the North Pole. It is a recently constructed fort and serves as a training ground for new recruits. It features waterbending arenas, obstacle courses and is lined with walls of snow and wooden towers. It is also a perfect scouting location as it has a good view of the Northern Sea all the way to the Great Sea Wall.

The Northern Water Tribe

Nation: Water Tribes   Capital City: Agna Q'ela   Location: The North Pole  

Form of Government: Dual Chiefdom   Head of State: Northern and Southern Chiefs (Tribal Chiefs)   Head of Government: Council of Elders and Advisors   Current Northern Chief: Irelia   Previous Water Chief: Vesrok Roatok  

  Animals: Otter Penguins, Polar Bear Dog  
Location on Map

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