
Found in giant craters of jagged rocks and obsidian, Rybinite (also known as Adamantine in some areas) is a dense pitch as night material that falls from the Rybis Rings that orbit Oryth. Much of the debris that falls from the rings are able to penetrate the atmosphere with near impunity. As such, Rybinite may be a rare material, but not quite as rare as the illuminating Obinite.


Material Characteristics

Rybinite is as dense as diamond and twice as tough. It's cool to the touch and repels heat. Its color is as dark as the void aside from various other glimmering minerals that make their way throughout the metal.

When fashioned into ingots or thinner blades of metal, it has a waved effect and exotic appearance that makes it sought after for its natural patterns. This material is highly coveted for its near-magical protective properties and can often be sold for a pretty penny to well-off adventurers.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Aside from Rybinites intense dense quality, it also has a repelling effect that nullifies kinetic energy that comes close to it. The Scholars of Oryth are unsure if this quality is due to a magnetic effect or if it interacts with the atmosphere in an odd chemical way. Regardless of how this field of nullification energy is produced, it can turn a previous blow into one that can easily be endured by a stout warrior.

Geology & Geography

Creating massive impacts within the earth of Oryth, Rybinite has no specific location that it can or cannot be found. Instead one can look to the sky for "shooting stars". One well versed in the metal will know that they are much more likely to be chunks of the metal ore burning up in the atmosphere of the planet. The heat of the impact is so intense that it can glass the ground it hits, leaving deposits of obsidian in its wake.

Origin & Source

Rybinite originates from the first moon of Oryth, Rybis. During the Divine Wars, Heironeous and Hextor fought their battles in the heavens of the Material Plane. During their clash, a seismic wave of kinetic force sundered the planet to oblivion, breaking in millions of small particles, many of which bombarded the surface of Oryth and Obis. This eventually led to the ring that orbits Oryth which is visible day and night from any part of the world.

Life & Expiration

The half-life of Obinite is estimated to be around 4.76Ga (billion years) and never loses the quality of its kinetic repelling ability. Much of this time will be spent in orbit around Oryth never find its way to the surface of the planet before disintegrating to nothingness or becoming one with another piece, eventually becoming a minor satellite which is sad will one-day reform into Rybis Beta.

History & Usage


Rybinite was discovered far before recorded history, and its origins of discovery are unknown to the Scholars of Oryth. There have been instances of cave paintings depicting the ancient race of humanoids discovering a falling piece of the sky which they worshiped as a gift from the heavens, forging weapons and armor in days of old.

Everyday Use

Rybinite is mostly used for weapons and armor, but can sometimes be found for utilitarian purposes as well. Due to its heat repellent quality, it can be found being used for insulation in hot environments such as deserts and jungles. The sound quality that is produced by the material, it's often used for masterwork gramophones, amplifying the music that comes forth with an almost live performance.

Cultural Significance & Usage

In many aboriginal colonies and tribes, Rybinite is seen as a divine gift from the god and craters can often be turned into moot gathering places. It has significant use in ritualistic ceremonies that involve otherworldly components and instruments to complete. The kinetic nullifying properties are often viewed as a divine property though it is not seen as magical by spells such as "Detect Magic". That does not, however, stop people from worshipping the material as a way of touching the presence of divinity.


The refinement process of Rybinite is not an easy one and requires special tools and equipment in order to fashion anything out of the ore. Magical forges are almost always required in order to achieve a heat that can build to a temperature that can reach the necessary 4,027° Celsius, almost twice the heat required to smelt iron, in order for the material to turn into its liquid state. If that can be achieved, however, then it can be molded and fashioned in a way very similar to forging steel.

Manufacturing & Products

The most common product to come from Rybinite is its armor due to its protective qualities. Weapons can also be fashioned increasing its impacting damage dealt in combat, but the usefulness of the kinetic nullification is much more prominent in protective gear.

Meta Mechanics

Armor fashioned from Rybinite ignore the extra damage from incoming Critical Hits. Weapons fashioned from Rybinite add 1 to the threat range for Critical Hits.


Most people who are around Rybinite frequently don't report any ill effects from it in its metallic state, but those who spend too much time around it in its natural form report becoming ill and fatigued. They often become subject to vomiting and diarrhea, needing days to a week of recovery due to the illness.

Environmental Impact

Plants near the impact site of Rybinite often grow to gigantic proportions, causing its genetic code to be reshuffled and take on different qualities of color and taste. Ingesting these plants can cause violent food poisoning sometimes leading to the death of the ingesting party. There is a noted increase of Dire animals in the vicinity of the raw Rybinite. Whether this is an attraction to the site or a direct cause of the mutation requires further research.

Reusability & Recycling

Once Rybinite cools completely it is nearly impossible to reforge or reuse in any way. Some people have used other materials and ores to attempt to repair Rybinite, but it seems to lose its kinetic repulsion in the process. Though, it should be noted, that the material is nearly indestructible by mundane means of sundering.


Trade & Market

Being a rare material, Rybinite is naturally an expensive item to trade and sell and is not something most merchants have access to. The best way to find the metal is after a meteor shower. There is an unorganized group of people known as Starchasers that search after shooting stars (which are usually meteorites breaking up upon entry into the atmosphere) in the hopes of finding Rybinite or Obinite and making a quick profit off of the rare material.


Refined Rybinite can be stored the same as anything else can be stored with little to no ill-effects. However, raw Rybinite needs to be stored in a lead-lined container to prevent any of the ill-inducing effects that come from the natural material.

Law & Regulation

There are currently no laws and regulations as to the use or distribution of refined Rybinite. Raw Rybinite requires the above-mentioned lead container for it to be safely stored in or a merchant or adventurer can be fined a heft some for endangering themselves or anyone else they come into the presence of with the radioactive material.



Photo By: Stan Celestian
Pitch as Night
Boiling / Condensation Point
4830° Celsius (8,726° Fahrenheit)
Melting / Freezing Point
4,027° Celsius (7,280° Fahrenheit)
Common State


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