Ashes of the Eastern Spring

(A.K.A. The Ashes of Seiryū)

Art By: PinClipArt


During the Divine Wars there was so much collateral damage that the Secundus almost went extinct. The Four Guardians of the Shijin faith, Genbu of the North, Seiryū of the East, Suzaku of the South, and Byakko of the West gave up their divinity in order to save the souls of those lost. Had it not been for that sacrifice, it is believed that there would be no sentient life on Oryth.

Using his own body as a shell to host the Secundus within, Seiryū gave up his physical form. He torched his own flesh with his ancestral breath in order to keep the people warm until nothing but the ashes of the great Guardian of the East was left. The surviving Secundus scooped these ashes into containers in order to remember his sacrifice on that day, placing the ashes into ornamental vials that could harness his spiritual energies.

Much of the ash has been lost over the years due to its volatile nature upon use. Breathing in the fumes emitted from the ashes allows the harnessing of the Spring Dragon's ancestral breath allowing the person to breathe necrotic flames unto their opponents. Should they choose, they can instead breath the fumes into another host, allowing them to be bestowed with this ability instead. If the magical properties are used too often, the spiritual energy of Seiryū cannot return into the vial and shattered upon doing so. If this happens, the energy is believed to return to the Ethereal Plane where it reunites with the Dragon of the East.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Current Holder
4" (Tall) x 6" (Circumference)
Base Price

An ornate glass bottle with the depiction of Seiryū and filled with the Guardian's ashes.

This item has 4 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge as a bonus action, breathing in the fumes emitted from the ashes. You may then exhale these fumes into another creature within 30 feet or imbue yourself with the power of the Dragon of the East, granting the target the Breath of Seiryū.

The ashes regain 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the essence of Seiryū can no longer be contained, causing the glass to shatter destroying the bottle, and returning the ashes to the Ethereal Plane.


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