
A colourful and flightless birdfolk with an affinity for wind and light magic.

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  Loran are a flightless birdfolk that are known for their beautiful plumage and are often associated with their affinity for wind and light magic.   As their ancestors developed, their bones and muscles became too heavy for flight. Instead, their arms are strong and still have long flight feathers that they can use to glide short distances with the help of some skilled wind magic. Where their distant ancestors had wings, loran folk now have talon-like hands to handle complex tools and weapons.  

Physical features


Loran folk have sexual dimorphism: male lorans have extremely bright and colourful plumage in vibrant reds and emerald greens, whereas female lorans have beautiful brown feathers with cream and white coloured underbellies.

Markings & Features

Some lorans have sections of busy pattern in their feathers which, in other species, would make fantastic camouflage. Both male and female lorans can have black and white patterns in their tails, and some folks have spiky "tufts" on their heads.

Eye Colours

Loran eye colour is distinctively bright and usually comes in red hues through orange and to vibrant golds and yellows.   Some folks have dark brown eyes that appear black at a glance.

Self expression

Loran folk love to express themselves through their fashion and accessories, and some folks enjoy dyeing their feathers in different colours and patterns.  

Ancestral magic

Loran folk are sometimes associated with wind and light magic that they inherited from their ancestors. Once used for flight and gliding or to camouflage themselves, modern folk now make use of these abilities for sailing and exploring.



Lorans are an egg-laying species and typically nest only one or two eggs at a time. Incubation lasts around 7 months before the chicks hatch. Eggs are usually white or very pale blue in colouration, sometimes with speckled patterns.


Childhood lasts until around 11 years of age and is a time of fun and freedom to play and explore. During their younger years, loran chicks are light enough to enjoy gliding short distances without magic.


Lorans begin developing their sexual characteristics and physically mature through their adolecent years until around 20 years of age. During this time they begin to grasp their first understandings of magic.


By the time they reach adulthood, lorans have a full plumage and slightly larger beak. Their tail feathers are notably longer than in their teenage years, and they have much greater control over their magical abilities.

Elder years

Unlike some other species, loran folk keep the vibrance of their feathers during their elder years and keep looking fabulous throughout their lives. They typically live long and happy lives until the ripe old age of 80 years old, but some have managed to live until even 100!
80 years
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Folk Ancestries
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Cover image: Zendu field by TJ Trewin


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Pixel art stamp by TJ Trewin

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