Teens quest log Prose in Live Action Fitness | World Anvil

Teens quest log

  1. What did Nebe steal? Yup Yup's Grimoire!
  2. Who put out a bounty on the Dryad?
  3. Maintain the Greenhouse for HRB
  4. Find HRB
  5. Who owned the Convoker Ring found in the sunken ship?
  6. Which creature's skeletal remains make up the Bone Yard and Skull Ridge?
  7. Restore the armistice
  8. Recharge SMG Boltspire Tower
  9. Bring the Ringmaster a worthy opponent to fight the Dire Mongoose
  10. Rescue Linda Dolstead (last known to be headed for Blackstone Bazaar
  11. Save Stone Rift from the wrath of SMG's Father
  12. Return Linda to Dolstead Farms
  13. Secure the Sentinel Gate
  14. Find the Lazarus Pit
  15. Find the Soul Gauntlet, use it to kill Vorgul, and destroy the gauntlet

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