The Book of Blades Document in Melior | World Anvil

The Book of Blades

An extensive combat manual from the First Age that is still studied today across the Melopian Commonwealth.


This book contains all known sword fighting styles and techniques within the vast regions of Tentotta, Melopia, and Orubia. It was commissioned by the head of the The Elite Rassalian Guard to improve the fighting standards of the soldiers in Rassal so that they will be well prepared to fight any enemy.   It is still used across the Melopian Commonwealth to this day, and even contains many lost arts used by fallen civilizations and kingdoms such as The Lost Kingdom of Mosat.   The combat manual is organised into chapters based on melee weapons, including; polearms, unarmed combat, daggers, rapiers, sword & buckler, longsword, sickles, dussacks, maces, and more.

Historical Details


The original publication was written in 271 1A. The original version was inked by hand and was only available to the royal guard. Since then it has had many updates to it's editions to accommodate all fighting styles from across the world. The book is now printed by a press and bound in hard, sturdy leather, sometimes embellished with an embossed sword and buckler on the cover.  


by by Joachim Meyer - Woodcut by Tobias Stimmer

Anniversary Edition

Following the events of The Rupture, copies of the book were in popular demand as folks from all social classes needed to know how to defend themselves and protect their families from threats beyond the rifts. A new edition was released on the 250th anniversary of publication, which released on Midday 4th Feastcall 521 2A and featured common descriptions alongside technical combat terminology.   In addition to the latest version, 250 limited edition copies of this book were created and featured sturdy wooden covers and four thick bookmarks of red cloth. The unique design enabled the carrier to convert this combat manual into a fully functioning emergency shield, by opening the book on the middle pages and using the sturdy bookmarks to fasten it to the arm.
Manual, Martial Art / Combat
Authoring Date
Midday 4th Feastcall 271 1A
Signatories (Organizations)
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 20, 2022

Fencing is a popular sport and is practised by all folks of all ages.

The Elite Rassalian Guard
Organization | Nov 20, 2022

The Elite come across as very intimidating with their military prowess. Many people admire them, but from a distance. They are known for their strict, no-nonsense temper and will not hesitate to put someone in their lawful place.


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