Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!


When you think of some of the coolest folks to walk the lands, who might you think of?   Obviously, it's adventurers!
— Ebi, fledgling adventurer
  In Ayun Sovos, there are two paths one typically chooses from when carving out a grand life for themselves: Artisan or Adventurer. Both tend to lead impressive lives, taking part in the founding of great wonders and performing feats that many consider larger than life, but each serves their own role in this.   Adventurers travel the world, seeking out quests, aiding folk in need, and making crucial deliveries that keep the world's civilizations going 'round! Most adventures tend to be fairly mundane, but the adventurers of whom great tales are told have been known to take on great challenges and mysteries of the realm, and a great many fledgling adventurers aspire to reach the heights of their storied exploits.   Throughout many large cities in the world, Adventurers's guilds have formed to various ends. The largest of these adventurers's guilds is known as the Adventurer's League, an organization which has come to span across numerous regions of Ayun Sovos. This guild separates adventurers into different Leagues, painting the picture of each adventurer's progress and achievements, as well as their strength and capabilities.   Smaller, more local adventurer's guilds seldom reach such heights as the Adventurer's League, though they still provide essential work to adventurers in every major city, and ensure that local troubles are settled quickly and efficiently — so long as there are adventurers ready for their quests!   It is through the work of adventurers that artisans are able to complete their work and complete their duties, as adventurers are the ones supplying the artisans with many of the materials they require, which can be dangerous or difficult to locate and acquire. Many societies have been built to great heights on this partnership!


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