Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!


Whoooaaaa... One day, that's going to be us! That's going to be our party up there!
— Young adventurer, watching the celebrated return of a Tempest League party after a great quest
  Avsovos, known more formally as The Avsovos Company of Adventurers, is the largest of the Adventurer's Guilds across Ayun Sovos, housing adventurers of great renown — some of the greatest in all the land!

Global Adventuring

Where most guilds are strictly local organizations, Avsovos's influence spans numerous regions of the world, acquiring talent from all across the world to partake in quests from the lowest challenge to the highest of stakes. Recruits to this guild are separated into different leagues, decided by their achievements and successful adventures, as well as their proven capabilities.

Leave it to the Locals

The Company does its best to avoid stepping on the toes of other local organizations wherever it can, taking only bills that the local guilds have deemed too dangerous for their residents to tackle. The work better suited for elite adventurers gets passed up the chain to the various leagues under the grander banner of Avsovos, who often make quick work of their marks.   Luckily, it's quite rare that settlements find themselves in a bind that they can't handle on their own. When they do, however, they know they can always rely on the League for aid.

Humble Beginnings

The name Avsovos originated from a rather haphazard mash of "Adventurers of Ayun Sovos," which aptly describes its origins as the small adventuring party that the company started as.   This name continues to describe the organization as it has grow to support adventurers from all across Ayun Sovos.

Dream Destination

Every young adventurer dreams of joining Avsovos as they grow into their roles as adventurers, aiming to one day work with members of the highest leagues.   The daydreams of glory and prestige are hard to ignore! Chase those dreams!

The High Ranks

Reliquary League

The Reliquary League is among the highest of this guild's Leagues, and is known for participating in missions that fledgling adventurers could only dream of growing to face. As their name suggests, many of their adventures involve the exploration of great ruins and the retrieval of ancient artefacts, many of which would be too dangerous to leave in their ruined homes. It is rare to find adventurers in this league who lack a magical affinity.   One notable member of the Reliquary League is a renowned adventurer known as Keari, who bears great skill in defensive magics and is a veritable shield wall all on her own. She often works with the same adventuring party for most missions.  

Tempest League

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