Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Bestial Mounts

The folk of Ayun Sovos sometimes employ beasts to act as their trusted steeds, acting as both methods of transportation and beloved companions.   Though the folk of Ayun Sovos resemble many of the creatures and beasts of the world, they do typically separate themselves from them as far as classifications and more are concerned. An anseni does not perceive themselves to be a duck, and a mustaia would not believe themselves to be an otter — though a kinship always exists in some way or form in spite of that.   Many folk in Ayun Sovos will have creature companions in their lives, but do tend to stray from keeping those which resemble them too much. On the flip of the coin, however, there are some who surround themselves with the creatures in whom they find kinship — it truly varies from place to place, from culture to culture.   Beasts kept as mounts and beasts of burden can be hotly debated in certain parts of the world, but are largely accepted and commonly employed to assist in day-to-day life, whether for personal travel, large deliveries, or assistance in maintaining the land. While exceptions are always out there, these beasts are well taken care of and quickly become something close to kin as bonds develop between creaturefolk and beast. While one is unlikely to see a horse at the dinner table, you can bet that the keepers of their stables would certainly invite them over for a home cooked meal if they only could.   Many adventurers have their own trusted steeds, as travel without them becomes incredibly difficult very quickly. Relying on public transportation becomes very expensive in most of the world, and trying to keep up with schedules for carriages and more is a quick way to make sure your quest timeline goes awry. Most adventurer's guilds are sure to keep an eye on their adventurers' beastial companions, and are quick to interfere at the first signs of neglect.   Respect the pony!


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