Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Nana Liliwen's Cottage

A small cottage rests at Lilipond Acres, home to the lovely Nana Liliwen! The cottage itself is quite small, a humble abode for a humble elderly anseni, carefully and lovingly constructed to house not just her, but a veritable flock of youngsters. The house knows no peace with the handful of rambunctious anseni ducklings, but what it lacks in peace, it certainly makes up for in love.   Delightful and delicious smells waft from this cottage, seemingly at all times, carrying the tantalizing scents of stews, roasts, and pies across Lilipond Acres and the nearby paths, drawing no shortage of local visitors to Nana Liliwen's front doorstep. Young Ebi stumbled upon this cottage by chance, having encountered one Farmer Emrys on the road to Iverra — it was their quest which brought Ebi to Lilipond Acres, and not the smells of home cooking, though she was permitted a taste nonetheless.   Visitors to Nana Liliwen's cottage have the pleasure of meeting, and being interrogated by, each of the small ducklings who call the pond their home. Adventurers beware: they have more questions for you than you could ever begin to wrap your brain around. You are encouraged to sit down, get comfortable, and have some tea — Nana Liliwen simply won't permit you to go thirsty within her own home, and not when the kids will have you talking yourself hoarse otherwise!   Before long, you're in the yard acting out your great adventures with a stack of enthusiastic ducklings bearing sticks and reeds as weapons and armor, and they simply won't rest until you've had your share of laughter and theatrics, sating their curious little minds. They'll be great adventurers too, one day, they say! They'll tell you this over and over again, until the time comes when Nana Liliwen calls out the magic words: Pumpkin pie is ready!   The delight continues, as you get to watch the ducklings clamber and stumble over each other in a race to the door.


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