Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Pumpkin Rot

Pulled from the very nightmares of the Anseni is a blight threatening to take that which they hold most dear — their sweet, sweet pumpkins! Pumpkin rot is the simple name for a blight affecting a particular variant of pumpkin local to Brightfield. This variant of pumpkin is best known for its culinary uses, particularly in the baking of the delectable Anseni pumpkin pie, which makes this blight a dire threat in the eyes of most.   Through the years of these pumpkins' cultivation, a stray pumpkin or two would grow well from its sprout, flowering delightfully, forming the most delightful orange forms, only to crack and crumble at the first hint of a disturbance. Simultaneously soft and rotten, and dry and crumbly, these pumpkins fall apart in a sweet-smelling mess that is wholly unfit for consumption. This was a rare phenomenon, often chalked up to a stray mutation or an unfortunate mishap in their growth stages, and thus was never seen as an issue worth raising a fuss over.   As of late, however, this rot has taken hold more and more frequently, driving deliveries of these pumpkins to be smaller and less frequent, as entire patches of pumpkins seem to bear the affliction together, rather than one stray plant every once in a while. The farmers who tend to the greenhouse producing the majority of these pumpkins did attempt to find a remedy before any alarm could be sounded, but the locals were not blind to the effects the blight had on the availablility of their favorite crop — panic has slowly begun to spread among different homesteads and villages in Brightfield as they fear the loss of their beloved pumpkin pie staple.   Try as they might, farmers have yet to find a suitable remedy for the blight, and it continues to take more of the crop from each harvest year by year. Some developments have been made, but nothing definitive. It may soon be time to get outside help involved!


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Aug 21, 2024 08:54

Not the pumpkins! Admittedly the thought of outside help is a good one, just avoid adventuring parties, i speak from experience when I say that they will most likely try to fix a crop blight with fire

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