Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!


The strygi of Ayun Sovos are the bright and elusive owlfolk of the world, many of whom are known for their quick wits and soft steps. The stygi of the world come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from great imposing figures to the smallest, roundest creaturefolk one might lay eyes on, but all have their own assortment of great skills!   Most strygi lead nocturnal lives, being at their best and brightest in the dark of night where they operate under moonlight as their neighbors sleep the night through. Though rare, some strygi have been known to shift into diurnal sleep cycles to keep up with their sunlight-inclined fellows. In Iverra, the local strygi have adapted to such a cycle, but they're not all fully invested in it, and you'll see plenty of them dozing throughout the slowest parts of the morning. A gentle nudge should get them up and alert again, should you need their services!   Strygi are often regarded as having serious demeanors, stoic in their presence, but are not often perceived as outwardly dangerous. Their fluffy feathers can be deceiving, especially for those whose fluff hides their most reliable weapon: razor-sharp talons. Strygi are known to be fierce combatants when pushed, with the ability to deal impressive damage with their own natural weapons, let alone equipped with weapons fine-crafted by artisans. Talons aside, strigy beaks are often just as sharp, giving them great defenses from top to bottom — and front to back, when you remember that they can turn their necks just about the whole way around!   One notable strygi from Ayun Sovos is one Ebi, who has just begun her path to adventure! She has much to learn before she can tackle any of the world's great mysteries — but she may just go far if she uses her strygi wits and keeps her talons honed!


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