Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!

Temple Relic

Many relics are scattered throughout the lands of Ayun Sovos, hiding in unlikely places — but some hide in some very likely places, like a giant temple of mysteries!   Temples are common targets for adventuring parties and exploratory expeditions, because they always seem to have something sparkly or fishy to them. It's usually one or the other, but it can very much be both! One such sparkly fishy temple is the current target of the Reliquary League, and their prize is the temple relic said to be hidden within its dark corridors and twisting depths.   This temple relic has been the subject of the Reliquary League's studies for so long that it has become its own modern myth, with word spreading of its theoretical existence among most adventurers, reaching the ears and desks of even the smallest adventuring guilds and even the non-adventurers who live near them. As one of the few high-stakes quests known to the public, the temple relic has found itself to be a fixation of many a young adventurer dreaming of becoming a great adventurer one day.   Ebi's daydreams are filled with triumphant moments and heroic braverism resulting in the retrieval of this temple relic, and she endeavors to make this dream a reality one day by pursuing the Aventurer's League and working her way up to becoming a member of the Reliquary League herself. Like other adventurers who have heard the tales of the relic, she can envision in her mind the trials and challenges, the dangerous traps and vicious beasts, and all other obstacles that stand in her way, but she is not deterred!   The relic's existence has not been fully proven, its investigations still being heavily underway, but this has stopped no shortage of adventurers from embarking on their own quests to one day be the ones to find it.


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